C# Implementation of the YEI ThreeSpace API. (A sensor that provides you with awesome Gyro, Accelerometer, Compass and rotation angles.)
Current implementation is based off the C API http://forum.yeitechnology.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=27
^-- Download the firmware from there, and ensure your device is updated. You may also find the C++ source code for the API At that link.
This code has been tested and confirmed working with the USB/RS232 sensor model. (My specific model is the screw down case USB v2)
Happy hacking!
Feel free to implement more of the API as needed. I just wanted the euler angles and a way to set the LED.
Current functionality:
- Get first available sensor
- Get all sensors
- Wrapped sensor devices in OOP style C#.
- Get normalized sensor data (Gyro, Accel, Compass)
- Get Current Euler Angles
- Get Current Quaternion
- Tare device at current orientation
- Get LED Colour
- Set LED Colour
Sample usage, with only one device: using (var device = SensorDevices.GetFirstAvailable()) { device.Tare(); //Initialize var line = string.Empty; while (line == string.Empty) { var sensorDataResult = device.GetNormalizedSensorData();
Console.WriteLine("Gyro: {0:0.000},{1:0.000},{2:0.000}",
device.Gyro.X, device.Gyro.Y, device.Gyro.Z);
Console.WriteLine("Accel: {0:0.000},{1:0.000},{2:0.000}",
device.Accelerometer.X, device.Accelerometer.Y, device.Accelerometer.Z);
Console.WriteLine("Compass: {0:0.000},{1:0.000},{2:0.000}",
device.Compass.X, device.Compass.Y, device.Compass.Z);
Console.WriteLine("TimeStamp: {0}", device.TimeStamp);
line = Console.ReadLine();
} }
-- My name was set wrong in my config (fixed it). I'm actually Kevin Cole! Hello from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!