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Release 2.0.1 sick_lidar_localization phase II: time synchronization,…
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… configuration of time sync during initialization
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rostest committed Nov 20, 2019
1 parent 72c30e6 commit ad044d1
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Showing 49 changed files with 2,109 additions and 179 deletions.
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ add_service_files(

## Generate actions in the 'action' folder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ include_directories(

## Declare a C++ library
Expand All @@ -152,7 +154,9 @@ add_library(sick_localization_lib
Expand All @@ -169,6 +173,7 @@ add_library(sick_localization_lib
## Executables for ros driver sick_lidar_localization
add_executable(sim_loc_driver src/driver.cpp)
add_executable(sim_loc_driver_check src/driver_check.cpp)
add_executable(sim_loc_time_sync src/time_sync.cpp)
add_executable(pointcloud_converter src/pointcloud_converter.cpp)

## Executables for test purposes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,6 +208,11 @@ add_dependencies(sim_loc_test_server
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +249,11 @@ target_link_libraries(sim_loc_test_server
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +285,7 @@ target_link_libraries(verify_sim_loc_driver
# )

## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation
install(TARGETS sick_localization_lib sim_loc_driver sim_loc_driver_check sim_loc_test_server pointcloud_converter unittest_sim_loc_parser verify_sim_loc_driver
install(TARGETS sick_localization_lib sim_loc_driver sim_loc_driver_check sim_loc_test_server sim_loc_time_sync pointcloud_converter unittest_sim_loc_parser verify_sim_loc_driver
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Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ int32 | telegram_payload.CovarianceY | Covariance c5 of the pose Y [mm^2]
int32 | telegram_payload.CovarianceYaw | Covariance c9 of the pose Yaw [mdeg^2]
uint64 | telegram_payload.Reserved3 | Reserved
uint16 | telegram_trailer.Checksum | CRC16-CCITT over length of header (52 bytes) and payload (52 bytes) without 2 bytes of the trailer
bool | vehicle_time_valid | true: vehicle_time_sec and vehicle_time_nsec valid, false: software pll still in initial phase
uint32 | vehicle_time_sec | System time of vehicles pose calculated by software pll (seconds part of the system time)
uint32 | vehicle_time_nsec | System time of vehicles pose calculated by software pll (nano seconds part of the system time)

Example output of a result telegram (ros message of type [msg/SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg.msg](msg/SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg.msg)):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,11 +133,110 @@ telegram_payload:
Reserved3: 0
Checksum: 25105
vehicle_time_valid: True
vehicle_time_sec: 1571732539
vehicle_time_nsec: 854719042

Note: Result telegrams always have the same MagicWord: `1397310283` (`0x5349434B` hex resp. `SICK` in ascii/ansi) and a
length of 106 bytes (`Length: 106`).

## Time synchronization

The localization controller sends the timestamp of a pose in millisecond ticks (telegram_payload.Timestamp of a result
port telegram). This timestamp in milliseconds is accurate, but differs from the ros system time by a time offset.
This time offset can be queried by a LocRequestTimestamp command.

LocRequestTimestamp commands are transmitted to the localization controller by the Cola protocoll. See SICK manuals for
a description of the Cola protocoll and SOPAS commands.

Cola commands can be transmitted to the localization controller by ros service "SickLocColaTelegram", implemented by
sim_loc_driver and defined in file [srv/SickLocColaTelegramSrv.srv](srv/SickLocColaTelegramSrv.srv).
Example for a Cola command to query a LocRequestTimestamp:

> rosservice call SickLocColaTelegram "{cola_ascii_request: 'sMN LocRequestTimestamp', wait_response_timeout: 1}"
cola_ascii_response: "sAN LocRequestTimestamp 1EDB"
send_timestamp_sec: 1573118218
send_timestamp_nsec: 365014292
receive_timestamp_sec: 1573118218
receive_timestamp_nsec: 367832063

`cola_ascii_response` is the response of the localization controller. `send_timestamp` and `receive_timestamp` are ros
system timestamps immediately before sending the request resp. immediately after receiving the controllers response.
Using send and receive timestamps, the time offset can be calculated:

delta_time_ms := mean_time_vehicle_ms - timestamp_lidar_ms
mean_time_vehicle_ms := (send_time_vehicle + receive_time_vehicle) / 2
:= vehicles mean timestamp in milliseconds
send_time_vehicle := vehicles timestamp when sending LocRequestTimestamp
receive_time_vehicle := vehicles timestamp when receiving the LocRequestTimestamp response
timestamp_lidar_ms := lidar timestamp in milliseconds from LocRequestTimestamp response

This time offset calculation is provided by ros service "SickLocRequestTimestamp", implemented by the
sim_loc_driver and defined in file [srv/SickLocRequestTimestampSrv.srv](srv/SickLocRequestTimestampSrv.srv).
Example to query the time offset:

> rosservice call SickLocRequestTimestamp "{}"
timestamp_lidar_ms: 23745
mean_time_vehicle_ms: 1573118234209
delta_time_ms: 1573118210464
send_time_vehicle_sec: 1573118234
send_time_vehicle_nsec: 208421663
receive_time_vehicle_sec: 1573118234
receive_time_vehicle_nsec: 211120716

`delta_time_ms` gives the time offset in milliseconds. See operation manuals for details
about time synchronization, time offset calculation and Cola telegrams.

The time offset depends on network latencies and transmission delays. To get a more accurate value, the time offset can be
calculated from N measurements by a software pll. The software pll estimates the mean time offset and calculates the
system time from any ticks. See [doc/](doc/ for further details.

The system timestamp of a vehicle pose is calculated from lidar ticks for each result port telegram and published by
ros message [msg/SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg.msg](msg/SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg.msg). This way, an application does
not need to care about time synchronization itself. It's sufficient to use `vehicle_time_sec` and `vehicle_time_nsec` in
the result telegrams. Example output of a result telegram:

> rostopic echo "/sick_lidar_localization/driver/result_telegrams"
Timestamp: 525924 # Lidar timestamp in millisecond ticks
vehicle_time_valid: True # System timestamp by software pll is valid
vehicle_time_sec: 1573119569 # System timestamp of vehicle pose (second part)
vehicle_time_nsec: 854719042 # System timestamp of vehicle pose (nanosecond part)

The system timestamp of a vehicle pose can be calculated from ticks using ros service "SickLocTimeSync", too. This service
returns the system timestamp from ticks using the software pll running in the driver. It's is defined in file
[srv/SickLocTimeSyncSrv.srv](srv/SickLocTimeSyncSrv.srv). Example:

> rosservice call SickLocTimeSync "{timestamp_lidar_ms: 123456}"
vehicle_time_valid: True
vehicle_time_sec: 1573119167
vehicle_time_nsec: 380565047

**Important note:** The driver sends LocRequestTimestamp commands to the localization controller with a constant rate,
each 10 seconds by default (configurable by parameter `time_sync_rate` in file [yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml](yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml)).
The software pll is updated after each successful LocRequestTimestamp with the current lidar ticks and the current system
time. The software pll uses a fifo buffer to calculate a regression, with a buffer size of 7 by default (configurable by
parameter `software_pll_fifo_length` in file [yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml](yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml)). Therefore, it takes
at least 7 LocRequestTimestamp commands before the software pll is fully initialized and time synchronization becomes valid.
Within the initialization phase (at least 7 LocRequestTimestamp commands), a system time can not be calculated from
lidar ticks. During initialization phase, `vehicle_time_valid` will be false, `vehicle_time_sec` and `vehicle_time_nsec`
will have value 0.

SICK recommends a time_sync_rate of 0.1 or below („SICK recommends you set the request cycle time from the vehicle
controller to 10 seconds or higher”). Therefore, the initial phase after start will take round about 70 seconds (7 LocRequestTimestamp
commands with 10 seconds delay by default). During the initial phase, the time synchronization service is not available
and the vehicle system time is not valid.

## Diagnostics

The sick_lidar_localization driver publishes diagnostic messages on ros topic "/sick_lidar_localization/driver/diagnostic",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,21 +274,29 @@ PARSE_ERROR | 2 | Parse error, telegram could not be decoded
CONFIGURATION_ERROR | 3 | Invalid driver configuration
INTERNAL_ERROR | 4 | Internal error (should never happen)

## Configuration
## Driver configuration

The sick_lidar_localization driver is configured by file [yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml](yaml/sim_loc_driver.yaml):

Parametername | Defaultvalue | Description
--- | --- | ---
localization_controller_default_ip_adress | "" | Default IP adress "" of the localization controller (if not otherwise set by parameter "localization_controller_ip_adress")
result_telegrams_tcp_port | 2201 | TCP port number of the localization controller sending localization results
cola_telegrams_tcp_port | 2111 | For requests and to transmit settings to the localization controller: IP port number 2111 and 2112 to send telegrams and to request data, SOPAS CoLa-A or CoLa-B protocols
cola_binary | 0 | 0: send Cola-ASCII (default), 1: send Cola-Binary, 2: toggle between Cola-ASCII and Cola-Binary (test and development only!)
tcp_connection_retry_delay | 1.0 | Delay in seconds to retry to connect to the localization controller, default 1 second
result_telegrams_topic | "/sick_lidar_localization/driver/result_telegrams" | ros topic to publish result port telegram messages (type SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg)
result_telegrams_frame_id | "sick_lidar_localization" | ros frame id of result port telegram messages (type SickLocResultPortTelegramMsg)
diagnostic_topic | "/sick_lidar_localization/driver/diagnostic" | ros topic to publish diagnostic messages (type SickLocDiagnosticMsg)
diagnostic_frame_id | "sick_lidar_localization" | ros frame id of diagnostic messages (type SickLocDiagnosticMsg)
monitoring_rate | 1.0 | frequency to monitor driver messages, once per second by default
monitoring_message_timeout | 1.0 | timeout for driver messages, shutdown tcp-sockets and reconnect after message timeout, 1 second by default
point_cloud_topic | "/cloud" | ros topic to publish PointCloud2 data
point_cloud_frame_id | "pointcloud_sick_lidar_localization" | ros frame id of PointCloud2 messages
tf_parent_frame_id | "tf_demo_map" | parent frame of tf messages of of vehicles pose (typically frame of the loaded map)
tf_child_frame_id | "tf_sick_lidar_localization" | child frame of tf messages of of vehicles pose
software_pll_fifo_length | 7 | Length of software pll fifo, default: 7
time_sync_rate | 0.1 | Frequency to request timestamps from localization controller using ros service "SickLocRequestTimestamp" and to update software pll, default: 0.1

Note: The IP address of the SICK localization controller ( by default) can be set by commandline argument
`localization_controller_ip_adress:=<ip-address>` when starting the driver with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,6 +451,8 @@ pointcloud_convert in file [src/pointcloud_converter.cpp](src/pointcloud_convert
sim_loc_driver messages. The driver messages are converted to both PointCloud2 on topic "/cloud" and and TF messages,
which can be viewed by rviz.


To run and visualize an example with a simulated vehicle moving in circles, run the following commands:

Expand Down
Binary file added doc/pll_regression.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added doc/scannbuffering.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added doc/sequenceDiagramResultTelegrams.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
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Binary file added doc/sequence_time_pll.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# SoftwarePLL

Software PLL for synchronisation between ticks and timestamps.

## Introduction

Many sensor devices, e.g. lidar devices, provide sensor data with timestamps. These timestamps can be synchronized with
the current system time by additional hardware, e.g. by GPS. But without specialized hardware, sensor timestamps and
system time is normally unsynchronized. Sensor timestamps are often quite accurate, but have a different time base and
a bias to the system time or to other sensor clocks. This difference is estimated and compensated by this Software PLL.

To compensate the different time base and bias between sensor and system clock, the system time when receiving sensor data
is gathered together with the sensor timestamp. While the system time is often measured in seconds resp. nanoseconds,
the sensor timestamp is normally received in clock ticks. SoftwarePLL estimates the correlation between system time in
seconds/nanoseconds and sensor ticks, and computes a corrected time from ticks. This way you know at which time stamp the data
have been measured by your sensor.

SoftwarePLL is a generic module and independant from specific sensor types. It just uses the system timestamps and ticks,
estimates their correlation and predicts the time from sensor ticks. See []( for an application
example using SICK laser scanner

## How Software PLL works

SoftwarePLL computes a linear regression between ticks and system timestamps. The system time is measured immediately
after receiving new sensor data, while sensor ticks represent the sensor clock at the time of measurement. Thus we have
three different times for each measurement:

- The time when the system receives the sensor data (receive time t_rec), measured in seconds resp. nanoseconds.

- The sensor ticks (or just ticks) at the time of the measurement. These ticks are contained in the sensor data and
received later by the system.

- The time of the measurement (measurement time t_mea). We don't know this time yet, but we estimate it from both the ticks
and their receive time t_rec using the SoftwarePLL.

During initialization, ticks and system timestamps are stored in fifo buffer (first-in, first-out). After initialization,
typically after N=7 measurements, a regression line is computed, i.e. the slope `m` (gradient) of a function
`f(ticks) = m * ticks + c` is estimated from ticks `x(i)` and timestamps `y(i)` by a linear regression
`m = (N * sum(x(i) * y(i)) - sum(x(i)) * sum(y(i))) / (N * sum(x(i) * x(i)) - sum(x(i))*sum(x(i)))` with `0 <= i < N` and
unbiased values `x(i) = tick(i) - tick(0)`, `y(i) = t_rec(i) - t_rec(0)`.


The estimated system time `t_esti(i)` of a measurement can be computed from its sensor tick by `t_esti(i) = m * (ticks(i) - ticks(0)) + t_rec(0)`.
If the difference between estimated times `t_esti(i)` and the measured system timestamps `t_rec(i)` is small (typically
less than 100 milliseconds), the estimation can be considered to be valid. With a valid estimation of `m`, we can
get a corrected timestamp for new measurements by applying function `SoftwarePLL::GetCorrectedTimeStamp`, which returns
the estimated system time of a measurement `t_esti = m * (ticks - ticks(0)) + t_rec(0)`.

If the estimation is not valid (i.e. the difference between estimated times and measured system timestamps in the buffer is
significant), we can't estimate system timestamps from sensor ticks. If this happens more than a given number of times
after initialization (typically 20 times), the fifo is reset and a new initialization is done.

## Source code example

Use the following code snippet as an example:

#include "softwarePLL.h"
// Create an instance of SoftwarePLL
SoftwarePLL& software_pll = SoftwarePLL::Instance("Sensor1");
// Get system time t_rec in seconds and nanoseconds when receiving sensor data
ros::Time t_rec = ros::Time::now();
uint32_t sec = t_rec.nsec;
uint32_t nanosec = t_rec.nsec;
// Get sensor ticks from sensor data
uint32_t ticks = scanner_msg.ticks;
// Update SoftwarePLL
software_pll.UpdatePLL(sec, nanosec, ticks);
// Get corrected timestamp (time of measurement from ticks)
software_pll.GetCorrectedTimeStamp(sec, nanosec, ticks);
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
## Time synchronization

Many laser scanner applications require accurate timing down to the level of individual points, so time synchronization is implemented in this ROS driver.
The scanner has an internal time base of microseconds since system startup. Against this "tick" time base all time stamps are made in the scanner.
When sending messages from the scanner, two time stamps are added:
1. scan generation ticks--> timestamp at the time of the first shot
2. scan transmission ticks--> time stamp for the transmission of the data

When data packets are received, they are timestamped by the driver against the systemtime in ros::time format. See following Fig.

The relationship between system time and ticks is then derived from the time stamps and kept synchronous.The time required for the transmission of data over the network is assumed to be short and constant and is therefore neglected.
The function of the algorithms is shown in the following Fig.

# Data buffering in MRS 1xxx

Due to their construction the MRS 1xxx scanners generate different layers at the same time which are output sequentially by the scanner firmware. In order to ensure that only point cloud messages that follow one another in time are sent, buffering can be activated in the driver.
Binary file added doc/timing_sync.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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