A library to simplify usage of the Newrelic APM Java API from Clojure programs.
NewRelic's APM agent instruments many Java libraries to capture observability data simply by running their JVM agent. Unfortunately, the APM agent is not particularly "Clojure Friendly" as it relies on Java Annotations or XML pointcuts to instrument custom code. This library seeks to bridge the gap and make working with NewRelic from Clojure easier and more idiomatic.
io.github.rutledgepaulv/newrelic-clj {:mvn/version "1.0.2"}
You'll find examples below of how to use newrelic-clj
to instrument your code to improve the fidelity of your NewRelic integration. Everything seen here degrades gracefully when there is no NewRelic agent running. Setting up the NewRelic agent is an out-of-band concern.
Use wrap-transactions
to make sure that every web request creates a Newrelic transaction including basic information
about the request. This middleware should be placed on the absolute exterior of your application.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<html><head></head><body><p>Hello!</p></body></html>"})
(def wrapped (nr/wrap-transaction handler))
(jetty/run-jetty #'wrapped {:port 3000 :join? false})
Compojure injects match data into requests before they reach any of your handlers. To achieve nice transaction
names you want to send requests through io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api/wrap-transaction-naming
immediately after routing has
occurred. The easiest way to do that is to use compojure.core/wrap-routes
middleware to enqueue middleware to
execute after routing.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(require '[compojure.core :as cr])
(cr/defroutes app
(cr/GET "/" []
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<html><head></head><body><p>Hello!</p></body></html>"}))
(def wrapped
(-> app
(cr/wrap-routes nr/wrap-transaction-naming)
(jetty/run-jetty #'wrapped {:port 3000 :join? false})
Reitit injects match data into requests before they reach any of your handlers. To achieve nice transaction
names you want to send requests through io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api/wrap-transaction-naming
on every route. The easiest
way to do that is to use the :reitit.middleware/transform
option when compiling a router to inject this
middleware on every endpoint (after routing).
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(require '[reitit.ring :as rr])
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<html><head></head><body><p>Hello!</p></body></html>"})
(defn not-found [request]
{:status 404
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<html><head></head><body><p>Not found!</p></body></html>"})
; making sure this middleware is applied to all endpoints
(defn mw-transform [mw]
(into [nr/wrap-transaction-naming] mw))
(def router
[["/" {:get handler}]]
{:reitit.middleware/transform mw-transform}))
(def wrapped
(let [opts {:middleware [nr/wrap-transaction]}]
(rr/ring-handler router not-found opts)))
(jetty/run-jetty #'wrapped {:port 3000 :join? false})
You can use io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api/wrap-rum-injection
middleware to add NewRelic script tags to all html page responses. Injection
is performed by injecting-streams and takes place as bytes are written
to the response stream. The performance overhead is very low (< 10μs).
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<html><head></head><body><p>Hello!</p></body></html>"})
(def wrapped
(-> handler
(jetty/run-jetty #'wrapped {:port 3000 :join? false})
It's common to track timing / invocation counts for activity other than web requests. You may turn any Clojure function into a unique transaction / span. You should only instrument functions whose typical duration outweighs any overhead concerns associated with the instrumentation.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(defn my-sum [coll]
(reduce + 0 coll))
; long form with custom categories / names
(def my-traced-sum
(nr/transaction-fn run "Clojure" "user/my-sum"))
; syntax sugar (w/ automatic naming)
(nr/defn-traced my-traced-sum [coll]
(reduce + 0 coll))
; if newrelic agent is active, this will start a transaction named using the fully qualified symbol
; if this function is called when there is already an active transaction it will just show as a child span
(my-traced-sum (range 1000000))
You can report an error against a running transaction so that it's surfaced in NewRelic.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.newrelic-clj.api :as nr])
(catch Exception e
(nr/notice-error e)))
This library connects NewRelic's "linking data" to SLF4J's MDC to propagate tracing identifiers into application logs. If you're using NewRelic's logging collectors and configure your appenders to output json this means you'll be able to see relationships between APM spans and the logs generated during those spans.
This project is licensed under MIT license.