This Online Train Ticket Booking System project is designed to facilitate users in booking train tickets online. The system has various key features designed to improve the convenience and efficiency of the ticket booking process. Users can create a new account or log in to the system using their credentials through the login and registration features. Once logged in, users can view available train schedules, including information on departure times, arrivals, and destination stations, as well as conduct schedule searches based on specific dates and routes. The ticket reservation feature allows users to select their desired train and make an online ticket booking, with a view of the booking details and ticket cost before confirmation of purchase. Users can also manage their bookings, including viewing booking history, ticket status, as well as cancelling or changing reservations if required. The system supports various safe and convenient online payment methods, such as credit cards, bank transfers, and digital wallets. In addition, users will receive notifications via email or SMS on the status of their bookings, including purchase confirmations, making it easier for them to stay informed.
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- NodeJS
- Tailwind
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change the directory
cd Project-Lele-Express
- Install Dependencies in Lele Express (Frontend)
cd .\lele-express\
npm install
- Install Depedencies in Server Lele (Backend)
cd .\server-lele\
npm install
- Run Server, make sure your database ready
cd .\server-lele\
npm run dev
- Run Web
cd .\lele-express
npm run dev