This project is an asset management system that allows a company to keep track of their current stock. This involves a number of different type of transactions all surrounding the retail of merchandise and products. It is also able to calculate price based on profit margins, revenue, costs, and taxes on the main window tab. Several interfaces were designed to deal with sales, purchases and clients. On the main window, other tabs were created to register movements within the inventory and transaction to clients. The client window serves as an interface to access client information. One can also classify items based on specifc properties with the ‘group’ functions. The program also supports a search bar to access items quickly. Additionally every table window supports sorting. Midway through the development of our project, we realized our goals were too ambitious given the time we had to develop it.
In order to make the user experience more convenient, we decided to add an executable called Libra.exe which only needs to be run eithr through the terminal or clicked on.
Libraries used are SqLite3, PyQt4 and built-ins to measure runtime.