This program is used to configure the capsule to sync the rpm directly from the Red Hat cdn server instead of satellite server. It also deploy the manifest certificates on the capsule server which are needed for capsule - CDN communication and authentication.
Suppose there is an on-premise deployed satellite server and capsule servers are deployed on the cloud-like AWS or Azure. In this case, syncing the capsule server through satellite will consume a lot of bandwidth and also sync will take time depending on the network latency. Using capsule-cdn-sync tool capsule server can be configured to sync the content directly from the CDN server.
On preinstalled satellite capsule server clone this project.
# git clone
# cd capsule-cdn-sync
# bundle install
Copy the manifest from satellite server to the capsule server or directly download it from the Red Hat customer portal.
After this go inside the cloned repository and run the below command.
# cd bin/
# chmod 777 capsule-cdn-sync
# ./capsule-cdn-sync --help
Usage: capsule-cdn-sync [options] /path/to/
-u, --username USERNAME Username of satellite user
-p, --password PASSWORD Password of satellite user
-h, --help Prints help
# ./capsule-cdn-sync -u admin -p redhat /path/to/
capsule-cdn-sync leverages the Alternate Content Sources functionality of the pulp. It creates the /etc/pulp/content/sources/conf.d/cdn.conf
file where the alternate source is definded(cdn urls).
It also creates the /etc/pki/capsule-cdn-sync/
directory where all the entitlement certs are stored which are needed by capsule for communicating with the CDN server.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.