HORUS Bridge is the essential desktop component of the HORUS mixed reality robotics platform. This server acts as a vital link, facilitating communication, data exchange, and control commands between the HORUS interface (running on the Meta Quest 3) and the connected robot(s).
- Real-time Teleoperation Data Relay: Transmits control inputs from the HORUS interface to the robot and streams sensor data back for visualization.
- Robot Network Management: Establishes and maintains connections with individual robots within the team.
- Data Translation: Adapts data formats and communication protocols to ensure compatibility between the headset and robots.
- API for HORUS Interface: Provides an API endpoint for the main HORUS interface to send control commands and receive robot data.
- Robot Communication Stub:
- Choose a lightweight method to simulate basic robot interactions (this could even be a simple script generating mock data initially).
- Implement a module to receive data from this "robot".
- WebSocket Server:
- Set up a core WebSocket server (ws library in Node.js, websockets in Python, etc.).
- Establish basic connection handling with the HORUS interface.
- Data Relaying:
- Translate simplified robot data (camera images, control commands) into a format suitable for WebSocket transmission.
- Implement relay logic to send/receive data between the WebSocket connection and the robot communication module.
Author: Omotoye Shamsudeen Adekoya
Email: [email protected]
Curriculum: Hostile and Unstructured Environments (9926)
Research theme #10: Augmented Reality Strategies for Teams of Robots (Università di Genova)