The data is representing by a json file to be used by the component.
The transpiler used to generate javascript is Babel.
Webpack is used to create the javascript bundle of the project (see webpack.config.js).
Foreman is used to start two services:
- Webpack, that's responsible for watch changes and recompile code
- Node, that's responsible to run the web server (see config file server.js).
To get the code:
git clone
cd node-react-redux-jest
run npm i
to install node_modules
run nf start
to start the application using Foreman.
To execute the tests:
run npm t
to exetute all tests.
run npm t <file name>
to execute a specific test.
Tip: You can execute a test using a text that match with the test suites name.
e.g.: run npm t acti
will execute the action.spec.js test suite.