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CI Coverage Status PyPI version Python 3.8


Python package to easily add email functionality to orchestration scripts run from CloudShell.

Why use cloudshell-email

  • Send emails containing a link to the Sandbox
  • Send emails based on html templates


$ python -m pip install cloudshell-email

Basic Usage

Initialize EmailService object

from cloudshell.workflow.orchestration.sandbox import Sandbox
from import EmailConfig, EmailService

sandbox = Sandbox()
email_config = EmailConfig('SMTP Server hostname', 'username', 'password', 'Email_to_send_from')

email_service = EmailService(email_config, sandbox.logger)

Send Emails

send_email(self, to_email_address: List[str], 
                 subject: str,
                 template_name: str = 'default',
                 template_parameters: Dict[str, str] = {},
                 cc_email_address: List[str] = [])

Send emails using the above method of EmailService. Default values added to the email config object will override these values.

  • to_email_address: Email addresses to send email to
  • subject: Subject line of email
  • template_name: Path to local html file containing email template
  • template_parameters: Parameter name:values to fill into html template
  • cc_email_address: Email addresses to CC on email

Validate Email Configuration

import smtplib

email_service = EmailService(email_config, sandbox.logger)

except smtplib.SMTPHeloError:
    # error handling code
except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
    # error handling code
except smtplib.SMTPNotSupportedError:
    # error handling code
except smtplib.SMTPException:
    # error handling code
except RuntimeError:
    # error handling code

Validate email service configuration using validate_email_config() method.

Html Templates

Html templates will be opened from the template_path on the machine running the orchestration scripts.

The default html template is used if no template_name parameter is given:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #F76723;"><strong>Welcome to cloudshell-email</strong></span></h2>
    <p><span style="color: #000000;">This is the default html template using the cloudshell-email package.</span></p>
    <p><span style="color: #000000;">The cloudshell-email package can be used to send emails to users from orchestration scripts.</span></p>
    <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>You can view cloudshell-email usage guide here:</strong></span></p>
    <span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <a href=""> Github Repo </a>

Variables can be placed into the html to be replaced with the template_parameters input as so:

    <p><span style="color: #000000;">Variable 1: {variable1}, Variable 2: {variable2}.</span></p>

template_parameters for the above html would be:

{'variable1': 'Value 1', 'variable2': 'Value 2'}

Email Configuration Shell

An email configuration resource can be added to Cloudshell using the shell included in the email-config-shell folder.

To install the package:

cd shell-config-shell
shellfoundry install

This shell is useful to avoid hard coding the configurations and SMTP server authentication details when there is a need to send a custom email during setup/teardown (or any other orchestration flow). The information saved in the Email Configuration resource should be used to initialize the EmailConfig object in the script.

Note: When adding this resource to the inventory, Cloudshell will validate the SMTP server configuration defined in its attributes.

Orchestration script example that uses the Email Config resource:

from cloudshell.workflow.orchestration.sandbox import Sandbox
from import EmailConfig, EmailService

sandbox = Sandbox()

session = sandbox.automation_api

resource = session.GetResourceDetails('EmailConfigResource')

emailconfig = EmailConfig(
    session.GetAttributeValue(resource.Name, f'{resource.ResourceModelName}.SMTP Server').Value,
    session.GetAttributeValue(resource.Name, f'{resource.ResourceModelName}.User').Value,
    session.GetAttributeValue(resource.Name, f'{resource.ResourceModelName}.From Address').Value,
    session.GetAttributeValue(resource.Name, f'{resource.ResourceModelName}.SMTP Port').Value,
    session.GetAttributeValue(resource.Name, f'{resource.ResourceModelName}.Portal URL').Value
emailservice = EmailService(emailconfig, sandbox.logger)

In addition, the EmailConfig object can be initialized using a static factory method that gets the configuration data from an Email Config resource automatically:

email_config_resource_name = 'EmailConfigResource'
email_config = EmailConfig.create_from_email_config_resource(sandbox.automation_api, email_config_resource_name
email_service = EmailService(email_config, logger)

Default Error Email

The EmailService class has a shortcut method "send_error_email" that sends a default error email using a template that is based on the standard CloudShell email templates.

Example usage for an error email containing the exception details:

email_config_resource_name = 'EmailConfigResource'
email_config = EmailConfig.create_from_email_config_resource(sandbox.automation_api, email_config_resource_name
email_service = EmailService(email_config, logger, sandbox.automation_api)
email_service.send_error_email(["[email protected]"],, get_exc_info=True)

Note: The send_error_email method requires to initialize the EmailService instance with CloudShellAPISession or an exception will be raised

Troubleshooting and Help

For questions, bug reports or feature requests, please refer to the Issue Tracker.


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