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alistair3149 committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent 7b0e6b4 commit d78d517
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Showing 17 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/ar.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "تصدير قاعدة بيانات الويكي",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "تكوين تصدير قاعدة بيانات الويكي",
"wikibase-export-intro": "أولاً، اختر العناصر التي تحتاج إلى بيانات لها. ثانيًا، اختر نطاق الوقت الذي تحتاج إلى البيانات له. ثالثًا، اختر المتغيرات التي تحتاجها في ملف CSV. أخيرًا، انقر فوق \" $1 \" لاسترجاع ملف CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "باعتبارك مسؤولاً، يمكنك [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|تكوين هذا النموذج]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "باعتبارك مسؤولاً، يمكنك [[Special:WikibaseExport|تكوين هذا النموذج]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "تصدير اللغة",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "الكيانات المراد تصديرها",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "كيانات البحث",
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "تنزيل",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "لم يتم حفظ التغييرات التي أجريتها. فهي تحتوي على {{PLURAL:$1|خطأ}} التالية:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "يحتاج المسؤول إلى تكوين Wikibase Export قبل أن يتمكن من استخدامه.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "يمكنك [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|تكوين هذا النموذج]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "يمكنك [[Special:WikibaseExport|تكوين هذا النموذج]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "يمكنك [[#Documentation|عرض وثائق التكوين]] أسفل منطقة التحرير.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "وثائق التكوين",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "المثال الكامل",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Wikibase-Export",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Konfiguration für Wikibase-Export",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Vier einfache Schritte zum Datenexport:<br>\n1. {{#FORMAL:Wähl|Wählen Sie}} zunächst die Datenobjekte aus, für die Daten benötigt werden.<br>\n2. {{#FORMAL:Wähl|Wählen Sie}} den Zeitraum aus, für den die Daten benötigt werden.<br>\n3. {{#FORMAL:Wähl|Wählen Sie}} die Variablen aus, die für die CSV-Datei benötigt werden.<br>\n4. {{#FORMAL:Klick|Klicken Sie}} abschließend auf „$1“, um die CSV-Datei abzurufen.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Als Administrator {{#FORMAL:kannst du|können Sie}} [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|dieses Formular konfigurieren]]:",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Als Administrator {{#FORMAL:kannst du|können Sie}} [[Special:WikibaseExport|dieses Formular konfigurieren]]:",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Sprache für den Export",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Zu exportierende Entitäten",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Entitäten suchen",
Expand All @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Herunterladen",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Deine Änderungen wurden nicht gespeichert. Diese enthalten {{PLURAL:$1|den|die}} folgenden {{PLURAL:$1|Fehler}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Ein Administrator muss den Export von Daten konfigurieren, bevor er verwendet werden kann.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "{{#FORMAL:Du kannst|Sie können}} [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|dieses Formular konfigurieren]]:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "{{#FORMAL:Du kannst|Sie können}} [[Special:WikibaseExport|dieses Formular konfigurieren]]:",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Du kannst die [[#Documentation|die Konfigurationsdokumentation]] unterhalb des Bearbeitungsbereichs einsehen.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Dokumentation zu den Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Vollständiges Beispiel",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Wikibase Export Config",

"wikibase-export-intro": "First, choose the items for which you need data. Second, choose the time range for which you need the data. Third, choose the variables you need in the CSV file. Finally, click \"$1\" to retrieve the CSV file.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "As an administrator, you can [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configure this form]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "As an administrator, you can [[Special:WikibaseExport|configure this form]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Export language",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entities to export",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Search entities",
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Your changes were not saved. They contain the following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "An administrator needs to configure Wikibase Export before it can be used.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "You can [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configure this form]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "You can [[Special:WikibaseExport|configure this form]].",

"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "You can [[#Documentation|view the configuration documentation]] below the edit area.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Configuration documentation",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Exportation de Wikibase",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Configuration d’exportation de Wikibase",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Tout d’abord, choisissez les éléments pour lesquels vous avez besoin de données. Deuxièmement, choisissez la plage de temps pour laquelle vous avez besoin des données. Troisièmement, choisissez les variables dont vous avez besoin dans le fichier CSV. Enfin, cliquez sur « $1 » pour récupérer le fichier CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "En tant qu’administrateur, vous pouvez [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurer ce formulaire]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "En tant qu’administrateur, vous pouvez [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurer ce formulaire]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Langue d’exportation",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entités à exporter",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Rechercher des entités",
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Télécharger",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Vos modifications n’ont pas été enregistrées. Elles comportent {{PLURAL:$1|l’erreur suivante|les erreurs suivantes}} :",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Un administrateur doit configurer l’exportation de Wikibase avant qu’elle puisse être utilisée.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Vous pouvez [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurer ce formulaire]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Vous pouvez [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurer ce formulaire]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Vous pouvez [[#Documentation|afficher la documentation de la configuration]] sous la zone de modification.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Documentation de la configuration",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Exemple complet",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/he.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "יצוא ויקיבייס",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "הגדרות יצוא ויקיבייס",
"wikibase-export-intro": "אחד: יש לבחור את הפריטים שעבורם נחוצים לך נתונים. שתיים: יש לבחור את טווח הזמן שעבורו נחוצים לך הנתונים. שלוש: יש לבחור את המשתנים שנחוצים לך בקובץ ה־CSV. לסיום: יש ללחוץ על \"$1\" כדי לאחזר את קובץ ה־CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "בתור מפעיל, יש לך אפשרות [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|להגדיר את הטופס הזה]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "בתור מפעיל, יש לך אפשרות [[Special:WikibaseExport|להגדיר את הטופס הזה]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "שפה ליצוא",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "ישויות ליצוא",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "חיפוש ישויות",
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "הורדה",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "השינויים שלך לא נשמרו. הם מכילים את {{PLURAL:$1|השגיאה הבאה|השגיאות הבאות}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "מפעיל צריך להגדיר את ההרחבה Wikibase Export לפני שיהיה אפשר להשתמש בה.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "באפשרותך [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|להגדיר את הטופס הזה]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "באפשרותך [[Special:WikibaseExport|להגדיר את הטופס הזה]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "באפשרותך [[#Documentation|להציג את תיעוד התצורה]] מתחת לאזור העריכה.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "תיעוד תצורה",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "דוגמה מלאה",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/ia.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Exportation de Wikibase",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Configuration de exportation de Wikibase",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Primo, elige le elementos pro le quales tu vole datos. Secundo, elige le intervallo de tempore pro le qual tu vole le datos. Tertio, elige le variabiles desirate in le file CSV. Finalmente, clicca sur \"$1\" pro obtener le file CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrator, tu pote [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurar iste formulario]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrator, tu pote [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurar iste formulario]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Exportar lingua",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entitates a exportar",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Subjectos a cercar",
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Discargar",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Tu cambiamentos non ha essite salveguardate. Illos contine le sequente error{{PLURAL:$1||es}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Un administrator debe configurar Wikibase Export ante que illo pote esser usate.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Tu pote [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurar iste formulario]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Tu pote [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurar iste formulario]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Tu pote [[#Documentation|vider le documentation del configuration]] sub le area de modification.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Documentation de configuration",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Exemplo complete",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/id.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Ekspor Wikibase",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Konfigurasi Ekspor Wikibase",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Pertama, pilih item yang Anda perlukan datanya. Kedua, pilih rentang waktu yang Anda perlukan datanya. Ketiga, pilih variabel yang Anda butuhkan di file CSV. Terakhir, klik \" $1 \" untuk mengambil file CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Sebagai administrator, Anda dapat [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|mengonfigurasi formulir ini]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Sebagai administrator, Anda dapat [[Special:WikibaseExport|mengonfigurasi formulir ini]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Bahasa ekspor",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entitas yang akan diekspor",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Cari entitas",
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Unduh",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Perubahan Anda tidak disimpan. Ini berisi {{PLURAL:$1| kesalahan|kesalahan}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Administrator perlu mengonfigurasi Ekspor Wikibase sebelum dapat digunakan.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Anda dapat [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|mengonfigurasi formulir ini]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Anda dapat [[Special:WikibaseExport|mengonfigurasi formulir ini]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Anda dapat [[#Documentation|melihat dokumentasi konfigurasi]] di bawah kotak penyuntingan.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Dokumentasi konfigurasi",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Contoh lengkap",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/mk.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Извоз од Викибазата",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Поставки за извоз од Викибазата",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Најпрвин изберете ги предметите за кои ви требаат податоци. Второ, одберете го временскиот распон за кој ви требаат податоци. Трето, изберете ги променливите што ви требаат во CSV-податотеката. На крај ситснете на „$1“ за да ја преземете CSV-податотеката.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Како администратор можете да [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|го наместите поставките на образецов]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Како администратор можете да [[Special:WikibaseExport|го наместите поставките на образецов]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Јазик на извозот",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Единици за извоз",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Пребарај единици",
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Преземи",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Промените не се зачувани. {{PLURAL:$1|Ја содржат следнава грешка|Ги содржат следниве грешки}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Администратор треба да го нагоди Извозот од Википодатоците пред да може да се користи.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Можете да ги [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|наместите поставките на образецов]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Можете да ги [[Special:WikibaseExport|наместите поставките на образецов]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Можете да ја [[#Documentation|погледате документација за местење поставки]] под полето за уредување.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Документација за местење поставки",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Целосен пример",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/nl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Wikibase-export",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Instellingen voor Wikibase-export",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Kies eerst de items waarvoor u gegevens nodig heeft en dan het gewenste tijdsbereik. Ten derde kiest u de variabelen die u in het CSV-bestand wilt hebben. Ten slotte klikt u op “$1” om het CSV-bestand op te halen.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Als moderator kunt u [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|dit formulier configureren]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Als moderator kunt u [[Special:WikibaseExport|dit formulier configureren]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Exporttaal",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entiteiten om te exporteren",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Entiteiten zoeken",
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Downloaden",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "Uw wijzigingen zijn niet opgeslagen. Ze bevatten de volgende fout{{PLURAL:$1||en}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Een moderator moet Wikibase Export configureren voordat het kan worden gebruikt.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "U kunt [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|dit formulier configureren]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "U kunt [[Special:WikibaseExport|dit formulier configureren]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Onder het bewerkingsgebied kunt u [[#Documentation|de configuratiedocumentatie bekijken]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Configuratiedocumentatie",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Volledig voorbeeld",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/pt-br.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Exportação Wikibase",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrador, pode [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrador, pode [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Buscar entidades",
"wikibase-export-grouped-statements-heading": "Valores agrupados por ano",
"wikibase-export-start-year": "Ano de início",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions i18n/pt.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"special-wikibase-export": "Exportação Wikibase",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "Configuração de exportação Wikibase",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Primeiro, escolha os elementos para os quais necessita de dados. Em segundo lugar, escolha o intervalo de tempo para o qual precisa de dados. Em terceiro lugar, escolha as variáveis que necessita no ficheiro CSV. Por fim, clique \"$1\" para obter o ficheiro CSV.",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrador, pode [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Como administrador, pode [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "Língua de exportação",
"wikibase-export-subjects-heading": "Entidades a exportar",
"wikibase-export-subjects-placeholder": "Entidades a pesquisar",
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"wikibase-export-download": "Descarregar",
"wikibase-export-config-invalid": "As suas alterações não foram gravadas. Contêm {{PLURAL:$1|o seguinte erro|os seguintes erros}}:",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete": "Um administrador tem de configurar a exportação Wikibase antes de esta poder ser usada.",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Pode [[Special:WikibaseExportConfig|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-config-incomplete-link": "Pode [[Special:WikibaseExport|configurar este formulário]].",
"wikibase-export-config-help-documentation": "Pode [[#Documentation|ver a documentação da configuração]] abaixo da área de edição.",
"wikibase-export-config-help": "Documentação da configuração",
"wikibase-export-config-help-example": "Exemplo completo",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/qqq.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"wikibase-export-name": "{{notranslate}}",
"wikibase-export-description": "{{Desc|name=Wikibase Export|url=}}",
"special-wikibase-export": "This is the label on \"Special:WikibaseExport\".",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "This is the label on \"Special:WikibaseExportConfig\" linking to \"MediaWiki:WikibaseExport\".",
"special-wikibase-export-config": "This is the label on \"Special:WikibaseExport\" linking to \"MediaWiki:WikibaseExport\".",
"wikibase-export-intro": "Text displayed at the top of \"Special:WikibaseExport\".\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Label of the button allowing to export data. See {{Msg-mw|Wikibase-export-download}}",
"wikibase-export-intro-admin-notice": "Text displayed at the top of \"Special:WikibaseExport\" to users with the interface-admin right.",
"wikibase-export-language-heading": "This is a section header.",
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