GitHub Server Repository Link:
Email: [email protected]
Password: User10
Frontend: React, React Router, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, TanStack Query, Firebase, sweetalert2, React Icon, Axios, Stripe.
Backend: Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB.
create react template: npm create vite@latest name-of-your-project -- --template react
Then go to the directory: cd
npm install: npm install react-router-dom localforage match-sorter sort-by
Awesome react components:
React responsive Banner (Awesome react): npm i react-responsive-carousel
Slides per view (Awesome react): npm install swiper
Rating icons (Awesome react): npm i @smastrom/react-rating
React-icons: npm install react-icons --save
React-helmet-async for dynamic title: npm i react-helmet-async
React-parallax: npm i react-parallax
React-tabtab: npm install --save react-tabs
React Simple Captcha: npm i react-simple-captcha
React Hook Form (form related metarials): npm install react-hook-form
Sweet Alert: npm install sweetalert2
React Icons: npm install react-icons --save
Tanstack Query: npm i @tanstack/react-query
Axios: npm install axios
Install: npm install --save @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js
Stripe used for payment system. From stripe github, I used the hooks 0-card-minimal
(Read the document of stripe 0-card-minimal).
In the backend part, Custom payment flow I took the idea of backend development of stripe method. I created a new collection payments
and it's API, where i store the payments data.
- Fetch Food items using API data.
- Custom Hook: useMenu(), useAuth(), useAxiosSecure(), useCart().
- useMenu():
- useAuth(): For authentication.
- useAxiosSecure():
- useCart():
- Tab design (category based data load in order section).
- Authentication System (Login and Sign In using Firebase).
- Captcha check before login.
- Food Cart system (listing of menu which user selected).
- Private route (user) and Admin route (admin) are individual private routes for security service.
- User Dashboard.
- user can see the cart item.
- user can pay the payment of cart items.
- Admin Dashboard.
- Admin can see the users and also can make user to new admin.
- Admin and user access problem fixing using
state. For fixing account login error, I used loading for completing the checking process. This one is very challenging to find out the error. - Used Axios for api data access.
- JWT token for autorization (locally stored the token).
- Payment system using
. - Payment information verify and changes in the user account.
- When deploying in the netlify. It failed to deploy because the dependencies are not working. So I uninstalled the
then installedreact-tabs
. Then the dependencies error fixed. - In backend, if i didn't
await client.connect();
remove this line. Then the backend server will show error. So i need to remove this line.