Cool Frames is a leading entertainment company that want start online movie streaming 🎞️ service. As first phase of development, they want their customers to view the list of movies available and allow customers to add them to their wish list.
There will be two types of users whom will be using this application:
- Admin
- Customer
Responsible for managing the movies available in Movie Cruiser 🎬 portal.
Find Movies available in Movie Cruiser and adds them to the favorites. The customer also has the option to remove movies which were already added to the favorites.
Movie List Admin
Displays the list of all movies for Admin. Each movie will have option to edit a particular movie.
Movie List Customer
Displays the list of movies for customer. Each movie will have option to add the specific movie to favorites.
Edit Movie
Screen with form fields to edit the movie details. This page is arrived by clicking the Edit link in movie-list-admin.html
Edit Movie Status
Display the status of submission of edit movie form. This page is arrived after clicking save in edit-movie.html
Movie List Customer (Add to Favorites success)
Customer can add a movie to Favorites by clicking Add to Favorites link in movie-list-customer.html. On clicking this link a page similar to Movie List page is displayed with the message that the Movie has been added to the favorites successfully.
Displays the list of movies added to the favorites. This screen is arrived based on the navigation link in the top of the screen from movie-list-customer.html
Favorites Empty
This page will be used when there are no movies in the favorites. The Movie List link in the message should point to movie-list-customer.html
Remove Favorites
When Customer click Delete link in favorites.html, this page is displayed with the message that the movie had been removed from the Favorites successfully.