- 👋 Hi, I am @Pathan-Mohammad-Rashid
- I am interested in exploring various fields of Computer Science such as Machine Learning, Robotics, and Web Development.
- I am currently learning about machine learning algorithms, robotics programming, and advanced web development techniques.
- I am looking to collaborate on projects related to machine learning, robotics, and web development. I am particularly interested in projects that incorporate creative solutions and accessibility features.
- How to reach me: You can connect with me on LinkedIn at Mohammad Rashid Pathan or drop me an email at [email protected] / [email protected].
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Fun fact: Beyond my academic pursuits, I enjoy indulging in origami-paper folding art and watching movies. I'm also passionate about graphic design and video editing.
As a Physically Handicapped Student, my life's mantra is "My abilities are greater than my disabilities." This philosophy fuels my motivation to explore new horizons, maintain a growth mindset, and focus on continuous professional development.
In this early stage of my engineering journey, I am navigating the realms of Computer Science with a keen sense of curiosity. I am actively engaged in various clubs and initiatives at IITGN. I am on a mission to understand the complexities of different streams in search of my true passion and purpose.
Despite physical limitations, I enjoy creative activities and exploring unconventional paths. Beyond academia, I indulge in origami-paper folding art, enjoy movies, and immerse myself in informational videos during my free time.
Through exploration in diverse tech fields such as Quantum Computing, Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, etc. I have found my focal interests to be in machine learning, robotics, and web development. Additionally, my creative flair extends to graphic design and video editing.
I invite fellow enthusiasts, especially those sharing a similar journey, background, or interests, to connect. Let's engage, collaborate, and foster meaningful connections in our shared pursuit of knowledge and growth.