coc# MoHE: Mixture of Hand Experts
Code repository for the paper:
Mixture of Hand Experts: Repaint the Deformed Hands in Generated Image
First you need to clone the repo:
git clone
cd Mixture-of-Hand-Experts
We recommend creating a virtual environment:
conda create --name MoHE python=3.10
conda activate MoHE
Install the rest of the dependencies
pip install -r requirments.txt
cd Hamer
pip install -e .[all]
pip install -v -e third-party/ViTPose
Notes: About the installation of hamer, please refer to
First you should put your models as follow:
--base_model #sd base model
--controlnets #finetuned controlnets (mesh,depth,pose)
--gate_network #applied in MoE module
--hamer #models for extracting control conditions
--data #put mano model
--hamer_ckpts #put hamer.ckpt
--vitpose_ckpts #put wholebody.pth
--vae #vae model
--yolo #hand detector
Then run the following command for inference:
python \
--base_model 'models/base_model' --vae 'models/vae' --controlnet_mesh 'models/controlnets' \
--controlnet_pose 'models/controlnets' --controlnet_depth 'models/controlnets' --condition_extractor 'models/hamer' \
--hand_detector 'models/yolo' --gate_network 'models/gate_network' --meta_json 'metadata.json' --seed 42 \
--output output
cd training
First you should prepare your training dataset in following form:
--conditioning_images #control conditions(depth, mesh, pose)
--images #ground truth # prepare for training
train.jsonl #infomation for training dataset {"text": prompt, "image": "images/00000.png", "conditioning_image": "conditioning_images/00000.png"}
Then run the following command to train or finetune ControlNet:
--pretrained_model_name_or_path ""\
--output_dir "" \
--controlnet_model_name_or_path ""\
--pretrained_vae_model_name_or_path ""\
--dataset_name ''\
--mixed_precision="fp16" \
--resolution=1024 \
--learning_rate=1e-5 \
--max_train_steps=15000 \
--validation_image "" \
--validation_prompt "" \
--validation_steps=100 \
--train_batch_size=1 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps=4 \
--report_to="wandb" \
First you should prepare ground truth (real images) and extract the control condtions from them using hamer detector. Then applying the extracted control conditions to the sd pipeline to obtain the corresponding generated images
python \
--base_model 'models/base_model' --vae 'models/vae' --controlnet_mesh 'models/controlnets' \
--controlnet_pose 'models/controlnets' --controlnet_depth 'models/controlnets' --condition_extractor 'models/hamer' \
--meta_json 'metadata.json' --seed 42 --epoch 100 --lr 0.001 --generate 'path for generated images by controlnet' \
-- ground_truth 'path for ground_truth images'--output output