Off-chain resolver enables you to automate smart contract function calls based on off-chain conditions.
- Dependencies
- Env variables
- Creating off-chain resolver
- Testing off-chain resolver
- Deploying off-chain resolver
- Creating off-chain resolver task
- Examples
nvm install && nvm use
yarn install
Create a .env
file with your private config.
PK= // required for task creation
CHAINID= // required for testing / task creation
RPC_URL= // required for testing / task creation
In src/schema.graphql
define the arguments which will be passed into checker()
. Do not modify other types.
type UserArgs {
count: BigInt!
counterAddress: string!
Passing arguments into checker()
makes the resolver reusable. In this example, multiple tasks can be created with different counterAddress
while only deploying 1 off-chain resolver.
Do yarn codegen
whenever schema.graphql
is modified.
In src/index.ts
, checker(args: Args_checker)
is the function which Gelato will call. Do not rename this function.
Getting the arguments passed into checker
let userArgs = UserArgs.fromBuffer(args.userArgsBuffer);
let gelatoArgs = GelatoArgs.fromBuffer(args.gelatoArgsBuffer);
let count = userArgs.count;
let counterAddress = userArgs.counterAddress;
let gasPrice = gelatoArgs.gasPrice;
let timeStamp = gelatoArgs.timeStamp;
Gelato passes gasPrice
& timeStamp
as an argument as well. gasPrice
can be helpful in estimating the transaction fee of the execution or limit executions to certain gasPrice
import {
} from "./wrap";
- Ethereum_Module: similar to ethersJS library.
import { Ethereum_Module } from "./wrap";
// calling view functions of smart contract
const lastExecuted = Ethereum_Module.callContractView({
address: counterAddress,
method: "function lastExecuted() external view returns(uint256)",
args: null,
connection: args.connection,
// encoding function data
const execData = Ethereum_Module.encodeFunction({
method: "function increaseCount(uint256)",
args: [count],
- Graph_Module: make subgraph queries.
import { Graph_Module } from "./wrap";
const lpPair = Graph_Module.querySubgraph({
subgraphAuthor: "uniswap",
subgraphName: "uniswap-v2",
query: `
users(first: 1){
liquidityPositions(first: 1){
pair {
- Http_Module: make HTTP requests
import { Http_Module } from "./wrap";
let routerApi = ``;
let routerApiRes = Http_Module.get({
request: null,
url: routerApi,
- Logger_Module: do
from your resolver. (Only for testing purporses)
import { Logger_Logger_LogLevel, Logger_Module } from "./wrap";
level: Logger_Logger_LogLevel.INFO,
message: "Hello world",
Results returned from using Http_Module / Graph_Module can be an object string.
To convert and access the object values:
import { BigInt, JSON } from "@polywrap/wasm-as";
// example data returned from api call
let resString = `{
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
value: "169488101097",
let resObj = <JSON.Obj>JSON.parse(resString);
// accessing value of "value"
let valueJson = quoteResObj.getValue("value");
if (!valueJson) throw Error("No valueJson");
let valueString = valueJson.toString();
let valueBigInt = BigInt.fromString(valueString);
To access nested objects:
// example data returned from api call
let resString = `{
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
value: "169488101097",
gas: { gasPrice: "161297033108" },
let resObj = swapResObj.getObj("resString");
// accessing value of "gasPrice"
let gasObj = swapResObj.getObj("gas");
if (!gasObj) throw Error("No gasObj");
let gasPriceJson = gasObj.getValue("gasPrice");
if (!gasPriceJson) throw Error("No gasPriceJson");
let gasPriceString = gasPriceJson.toString();
let gasPriceBigInt = BigInt.fromString(gasPriceString);
To get information about why your task isn't executing after you have created your task, you can return encoded string messages in execData
This message will be returned and shown on the Gelato Ops task page whenever Gelato calls your off-chain resolver.
let execData = Ethereum_Module.solidityPack({
types: ["string"],
values: ["Time not elapsed"],
return { canExec: false, execData };
A unit testing template can be found in src/__tests__/index.test.ts
Fill in the off-chain resolver arguments if necessary.
const userArgs: UserArgs = {
counterAddress: "0x04bDBB7eF8C17117d8Ef884029c268b7BecB2a19",
count: 1,
Fill in the expected returns from calling the off-chain resolver.
const counterAbi = ["function increaseCount(uint256) external"];
const counterInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(counterAbi);
const expectedExecData = counterInterface.encodeFunctionData("increaseCount", [
const expected = {
canExec: true,
execData: expectedExecData,
yarn test
to start the test.
Once you have your off-chain resolver ready and tested run yarn deploy
> yarn deploy
> Successfully executed stage 'ipfs_deploy'. Result: 'wrap://ipfs/Qmd77yP8rEcjoMqzCpKJwU8DK1aApDZh5wjD7sn8gJw8cw'
Your off-chain resolver is now pinned on ipfs with the hash e.g. Qmd77yP8rEcjoMqzCpKJwU8DK1aApDZh5wjD7sn8gJw8cw
Fill up the necessary parameters in src/srcipts/createTask.ts
const taskName = "";
const execAddress = "";
const execSelector = "";
const offChainResolverHash = "";
const offChainResolverArgs = {};
yarn createTask
to create the off-chain resolver task.
Since this feature is still in BETA, please reach out to us with your EOA address which created the task. You need to be whitelisted for your task to work.
You can find more examples of off-chain resolver in this repo .