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mathis committed Dec 31, 2021
1 parent b1bc5a8 commit 059d6db
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Showing 4 changed files with 240 additions and 110 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@

## Expressions

* (**Missing**) Called method exists
* (**Missing**) Called method params are compatible with declaration
* (Called method exists
* Called method params are compatible with declaration
* (**Missing**) Called static method exists in static class
* (**Missing**) Called static method params are compatible with declaration
* (**Missing**) Call to New exists
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,8 +120,12 @@ let get_expr_type decls env expr =
in r_get last

| Call(caller, name, _args) ->
let decl = find_class decls (r_get caller)
in get_inst_method_type name decl
let t = r_get caller
in if t = "String" then "Void" (* String methods return Void (print and println) *)
else if t = "Integer" then "String" (* String methods return String (toString) *)
let decl = find_class decls (r_get caller)
in get_inst_method_type name decl

| StaticCall(className, name, _args) ->
let decl = find_class decls className
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99 changes: 71 additions & 28 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ open Util

exception Contextual_error of string

let err str = raise (Contextual_error str)

(** Check that methods, instance attributes and static attributes unique in a class declaration.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)

Expand All @@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ let check_no_dup decl =
| [] -> ()
| e::r ->
if List.exists ((=) e) r
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "multiple definition %s of '%s' in class '%s'" t e
then err (Printf.sprintf "multiple definition %s of '%s' in class '%s'" t e
else check t r

in check "method" instMethods;
Expand All @@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ let check_inheritance decls =
in decls_with_super |> List.iter (fun (name, super) ->
match find_class_opt decls super with
| None -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends non-existing class '%s'" name super)
| None -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends non-existing class '%s'" name super)
| _ -> ()

Expand All @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ let check_cycles decls =
| Some(super) ->
let superDecl = find_class_opt decls super |> Option.get in
if List.exists ((=) super) ancestors
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "cycle in heritance: class '%s' extends ancestor class '%s'" super)
then err (Printf.sprintf "cycle in heritance: class '%s' extends ancestor class '%s'" super)
else r_check (super::ancestors) superDecl
| None -> ()
in List.iter (r_check []) decls
Expand All @@ -63,10 +65,10 @@ let check_overrides decls decl =

let check_params derived base =
if List.length derived.params <> List.length base.params
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "parameters of override method '%s::%s' do not correspond with overriden method"
then err (Printf.sprintf "parameters of override method '%s::%s' do not correspond with overriden method"
else List.iter2 (fun (p1: param) (p2: param) ->
if not (p1.className = p2.className)
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "parameter '%s' in method '%s::%s' must be of type '%s' to match overriden method" p2.className)
then err (Printf.sprintf "parameter '%s' in method '%s::%s' must be of type '%s' to match overriden method" p2.className)
) derived.params base.params

in let check_super_method superDecl (meth: methodDecl) =
Expand All @@ -76,17 +78,17 @@ let check_overrides decls decl =
| Some(overriden) ->
check_params meth overriden;
if meth.params <> overriden.params
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "signature mismatch between method '%s::%s' and overriden method"
then err (Printf.sprintf "signature mismatch between method '%s::%s' and overriden method"
else ()
| None -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "method '%s::%s' is marked override but no overriden method found"
| None -> err (Printf.sprintf "method '%s::%s' is marked override but no overriden method found"
match overriden with
| Some _ -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "method '%s::%s' is not marked override but shadows a super method"
| Some _ -> err (Printf.sprintf "method '%s::%s' is not marked override but shadows a super method"
| None -> ()

in let check_base_method (meth: methodDecl) =
if meth.override
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "method '%s' of base class '%s' is marked override"
then err (Printf.sprintf "method '%s' of base class '%s' is marked override"
else ()

in match decl.superclass with
Expand All @@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ let check_overrides decls decl =

let check_in_scope env id =
if Option.is_none @@ List.assoc_opt id env
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "use of undeclared identifier '%s'" id)
then err (Printf.sprintf "use of undeclared identifier '%s'" id)

(** Performs the following checks:
- The method exists for the given type
Expand All @@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ let check_returns decls env retType instr =
let t = get_expr_type decls env e
in if is_base decls t retType
then ()
else raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "invalid return type '%s', expected type compatible with '%s'" t retType);
else err (Printf.sprintf "invalid return type '%s', expected type compatible with '%s'" t retType);

in let rec check_ret_type env instr =
match instr with
Expand All @@ -148,14 +150,14 @@ let check_returns decls env retType instr =

in check_ret_type env instr;
if not (has_return instr)
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "some code paths lead to no return statement or assign to 'result' when method expects return type '%s'" retType)
then err (Printf.sprintf "some code paths lead to no return statement or assign to 'result' when method expects return type '%s'" retType)

(** Checks that there are no return instruction.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)

let rec check_no_return instr =
match instr with
| Return _ -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "no return instruction are allowed here");
| Return _ -> err (Printf.sprintf "no return instruction are allowed here");
| Block(_, li) -> List.iter check_no_return li
| Ite(_, then_, else_) -> check_no_return then_; check_no_return else_
| Expr _ | Assign _ -> ()
Expand All @@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ let check_no_reserved_var vars =

in let check (var: param) =
if List.exists ((=) reserved
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved keyword '%s'"
then err (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved keyword '%s'"

in List.iter check vars

Expand All @@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ let check_no_reserved_class decls =

in let check decl =
if List.exists (fun r -> = r || decl.superclass = Some(r)) reserved
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved class name '%s'"
then err (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved class name '%s'"

in List.iter check decls

Expand All @@ -192,10 +194,9 @@ let rec check_no_dup_class = function
| [] -> ()
| decl :: decls ->
if List.exists (fun other -> = decls
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "duplicate class declaration: '%s'"
then err (Printf.sprintf "duplicate class declaration: '%s'"
else check_no_dup_class decls

(** Check constructor declaration validity. Performs following checks:
- Constructor name and class name are equal
- Constructor parameters and class parameters are equal
Expand All @@ -214,20 +215,35 @@ let check_ctor decl =
check_no_return ctor.body;

if <>
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "constructor name '%s' does dot correspond with class name '%s'"
then err (Printf.sprintf "constructor name '%s' does dot correspond with class name '%s'"
else ();

(match decl.superclass, ctor.superCall with
| Some(n1), Some(n2, _) when n1 <> n2 -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n1 n2)
| Some(n1), None -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor does not call the super constructor" n1)
| None, Some(n2, _) -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' is a base class but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n2)
| Some(n1), Some(n2, _) when n1 <> n2 -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n1 n2)
| Some(n1), None -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor does not call the super constructor" n1)
| None, Some(n2, _) -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' is a base class but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n2)
| _ -> ());

if ctor.params <> decl.ctorParams
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "constructor params of class '%s' do not correspond with the constructor definition"
then err (Printf.sprintf "constructor params of class '%s' do not correspond with the constructor definition"
else ()

(** Check compatible call arguments *)

let check_call_args decls args meth =

let check_arg arg param =
if not (is_base decls arg param)
then err (Printf.sprintf "invalid call argument: type '%s' is incompatible with '%s'" arg param)

in if List.length args <> List.length meth.params
then err (Printf.sprintf "invalid number of arguments in call to method '%s'";

List.iter2 (fun arg (param: param) ->
check_arg arg param.className
) args meth.params

(** Checks that Block instructions are valid.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)

Expand All @@ -251,11 +267,11 @@ and check_instr_assign decls env (lhs, rhs) =
in let t2 = get_expr_type decls env rhs
in let () = match lhs with
| Id _ | Attr _ | StaticAttr _ -> ()
| _ -> raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "cannot assign to an expression of type '%s'" t1)
| _ -> err (Printf.sprintf "cannot assign to an expression of type '%s'" t1)
in let () =
if is_base decls t2 t1
then ()
else raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "cannot assign '%s' to '%s'" t2 t1)
else err (Printf.sprintf "cannot assign '%s' to '%s'" t2 t1)
in ()

(** Checks that a return instruction is valid.
Expand All @@ -271,7 +287,7 @@ and check_instr_ite decls env (e, then_, else_) =
check_expr decls env e;
let t = get_expr_type decls env e
in if t <> "Integer"
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "'if' condition must be of type 'Integer'");
then err (Printf.sprintf "'if' condition must be of type 'Integer'");
check_instr decls env then_;
check_instr decls env else_

Expand All @@ -295,7 +311,7 @@ and check_expr_attr decls env (e, name) =
in let decl = find_class decls t
in let attr = get_inst_attr_opt name decl
in if Option.is_none attr
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "no attribute named '%s' in class '%s'" name t)
then err (Printf.sprintf "no attribute named '%s' in class '%s'" name t)

(** Checks an StaticAttr expression.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)
Expand All @@ -304,7 +320,33 @@ and check_expr_static_attr decls (t, name) =
let decl = find_class decls t
in let attr = get_static_attr_opt name decl
in if Option.is_none attr
then raise @@ Contextual_error (Printf.sprintf "no static attribute named '%s' in class '%s'" name t)
then err (Printf.sprintf "no static attribute named '%s' in class '%s'" name t)

and check_expr_call decls env (e, methName, args) =
check_expr decls env e;
let t = get_expr_type decls env e

in match t, methName, args with
| "String", "print", []
| "String", "println", []
| "Integer", "toString", [] -> ()

| "Integer", _, _::_
| "String", _, _::_ -> err (Printf.sprintf "'%S::%s' expects no arguments" t methName)

| "String", _, _
| "Integer", _, _ -> err (Printf.sprintf "call to non-existing method '%s::%s'" t methName)

| _ ->
let decl = find_class decls t
in let meth = find_method_opt decls methName decl
in let args = args |> (fun e ->
check_expr decls env e;
get_expr_type decls env e
in match meth with
| Some(meth) -> check_call_args decls args meth
| None -> err (Printf.sprintf "call to non-existing method '%s::%s'" t methName)

(** Checks an expression.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)
Expand All @@ -314,7 +356,8 @@ and check_expr decls env expr =
| Id id -> check_in_scope env id
| Attr(e, name) -> check_expr_attr decls env (e, name)
| StaticAttr(className, name) -> check_expr_static_attr decls (className, name)
| UMinus e | Call(e, _, _) -> check_expr decls env e
| UMinus e -> check_expr decls env e
| Call(e, methName, args) -> check_expr_call decls env (e, methName, args)
| List le | New(_, le) -> List.iter (check_expr decls env) le
| BinOp(e1, _, e2) | StrCat(e1, e2) -> check_expr decls env e1; check_expr decls env e2
| Cste _ | StaticCall _ | String _ -> ()
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