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TL Code Style Rules

Nova Leary edited this page Dec 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

I currently use the code style as specified in Modding Defaults.xml (I used to use this for Minecraft but have adapted it for Android now).

General Code Quality

  • Use meaningful names for fields, variables, methods, and classes
  • Try to keep the classes and methods small
  • Avoid using an obsessive/obstructive amount of comments. I do use comments to help me figure out what the coding does (especially when I'm working with code that I had to reference from the World Wide Web). If you have to add comments everywhere, that means you did not use a meaningful name at all. Basically, ensure to add comments to coding but don't place one at every single line (that will drive me insane.. seriously). Unless you are working around bugs in the app, Android or any library, please make sure to explain why the change is necessary.

If you guys have any other questions or suggestions regarding the code style, be sure to email me at the displayed email on my profile page.

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