In this repository contains a basic authenticate API built in Javascript with node.js, and the dependencies:
And the most important tool much of love ❤️
- Node.js: >= 16.0.0
- Yarn : >= 1.22.0
- Python: >= 2.*
- Extracted directly from bcrypt repository:
- Windows users will need the options for c# and c++ installed with their visual studio instance.
- OpenSSL - This is only required to build the bcrypt project if you are using versions <= 0.7.7. Otherwise, we're using the builtin node crypto bindings for seed data (which use the same OpenSSL code paths we were, but don't have the external dependency)
One single line:
$:~ yarn install
Create un root project dir the next file:
$:~ touch .env
Add the next lines to the file:
PORT=**Backend port. Default port 5500**
DBHOST=**Your host IP of MySQL**
DBNAME=**Your database name**
DBUSER=**Your MySQL username**
DBPASS=**Your MySQL user password**
In package.json we can see two script options:
: For production
: For development enviroments Choose anyone you want
Finally we excute the server like this:
$:~ yarn [start | dev]
I hope you liked ❤️
Special greeting to you, that watch this repo :)