A command-line interface for interacting with the Omni Bridge protocol, enabling seamless cross-chain token transfers and management.
This SDK is in beta and approaching production readiness. While core functionality is stable, some features may still change. We recommend thorough testing before using in production environments.
- 🔄 Cross-chain token transfers between Ethereum, NEAR, Solana, Base, and Arbitrum
- 🤖 Automated transfer finalization through our relayer network
- 🪙 Token deployment and management across chains
- đź“– Comprehensive TypeScript type definitions
- ⚡ Support for native chain-specific features
- 🔍 Transfer status tracking and history
npm install omni-bridge-sdk
# or
yarn add omni-bridge-sdk
The fastest way to get started is using our relayer service for automated transfer finalization:
import { omniTransfer, OmniBridgeAPI } from "omni-bridge-sdk";
// Get fees (includes relayer service fee)
const api = new OmniBridgeAPI();
const fees = await api.getFee("eth:0x123...", "near:bob.near", "eth:0x789...");
// Send tokens
await omniTransfer(wallet, {
tokenAddress: "eth:0x789...", // Token contract
recipient: "near:bob.near", // Destination address
amount: BigInt("1000000"), // Amount to send
fee: BigInt(fees.transferred_token_fee), // Includes relayer fee
nativeFee: BigInt(fees.native_token_fee),
Here's a more detailed example showing wallet setup, error handling, and status monitoring:
import { setNetwork } from "omni-bridge-sdk";
// Set network type
// 1. Setup wallet/provider
const wallet = provider.getSigner(); // for EVM
// or
const account = await near.account("sender.near"); // for NEAR
// or
const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet); // for Solana
// 2. Get fees (includes relayer service fee)
const api = new OmniBridgeAPI();
const sender = "eth:0x123...";
const recipient = "near:bob.near";
const token = "eth:0x789...";
const fees = await api.getFee(sender, recipient, token);
// 3. Send tokens
try {
const result = await omniTransfer(wallet, {
tokenAddress: token,
amount: BigInt("1000000"),
fee: BigInt(fees.transferred_token_fee),
nativeFee: BigInt(fees.native_token_fee),
// 4. Monitor status
const status = await api.getTransferStatus(sourceChain, result.nonce);
console.log(`Transfer status: ${status}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Transfer failed:", error);
All addresses in the SDK use the OmniAddress
format, which includes the chain prefix:
type OmniAddress =
| `eth:${string}` // Ethereum addresses
| `near:${string}` // NEAR accounts
| `sol:${string}` // Solana public keys
| `arb:${string}` // Arbitrum addresses
| `base:${string}`; // Base addresses
// Helper function
const addr = omniAddress(ChainKind.Near, "account.near");
Transfer messages represent cross-chain token transfers:
interface OmniTransferMessage {
tokenAddress: OmniAddress; // Source token address
amount: bigint; // Amount to transfer
fee: bigint; // Token fee
nativeFee: bigint; // Gas fee in native token
recipient: OmniAddress; // Destination address
While the SDK provides methods to manually handle the complete transfer lifecycle, we recommend using our relayer service for the best user experience. Benefits include:
- Single transaction for end users
- Automated message signing and finalization
- No need to handle cross-chain message passing
- Optimized gas fees
- Simplified error handling
To use relayers, simply include the relayer fee when initiating the transfer:
const transfer = {
tokenAddress: omniAddress(ChainKind.Near, "usdc.near"),
amount: BigInt("1000000"),
fee: BigInt(feeEstimate.transferred_token_fee), // Relayer fee included
nativeFee: BigInt(feeEstimate.native_token_fee),
recipient: omniAddress(ChainKind.Eth, recipientAddress),
// One transaction - relayers handle the rest
const result = await omniTransfer(account, transfer);
Track transfer progress using the API:
const api = new OmniBridgeAPI();
const status = await api.getTransferStatus(sourceChain, nonce);
// Status: "pending" | "ready_for_finalize" | "completed" | "failed"
// Get transfer history
const transfers = await api.findOmniTransfers(
0, // offset
10 // limit
const api = new OmniBridgeAPI();
const fee = await api.getFee(sender, recipient, tokenAddr);
console.log(`Native fee: ${fee.native_token_fee}`); // Includes relayer fee
console.log(`Token fee: ${fee.transferred_token_fee}`);
console.log(`USD fee: ${fee.usd_fee}`);
For cases where manual control over the transfer process is needed, the SDK provides complete access to the underlying bridge functions. Here are the flows for different chains:
// Using near-api-js
const near = await connect({
networkId: "testnet",
nodeUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org",
const account = await near.account("sender.near");
const nearClient = getClient(ChainKind.Near, account);
// OR using NEAR Wallet Selector
const selector = await setupWalletSelector({
network: "testnet",
modules: [
/* your wallet modules */
const nearClient = getClient(ChainKind.Near, selector);
// Create transfer
const transfer = {
tokenAddress: omniAddress(ChainKind.Near, "usdc.near"),
amount: BigInt("1000000"),
fee: BigInt(feeEstimate.transferred_token_fee),
nativeFee: BigInt(feeEstimate.native_token_fee),
recipient: omniAddress(ChainKind.Eth, await ethWallet.getAddress()),
// Initiate on NEAR
const result = await omniTransfer(account, transfer);
// Sign transfer on NEAR
const { signature } = await nearClient.signTransfer(result, "sender.near");
// Finalize on destination (e.g., Ethereum)
const ethClient = getClient(ChainKind.Eth, ethWallet);
await ethClient.finalizeTransfer(transferMessage, signature);
When using browser-based NEAR wallets through Wallet Selector, transactions involve page redirects. The current SDK doesn't fully support this flow - applications need to handle redirect returns and transaction hash parsing separately.
Solana transfers use Wormhole VAAs (Verified Action Approvals):
// Setup Solana
const connection = new Connection("https://api.testnet.solana.com");
const wallet = new Keypair();
const provider = new AnchorProvider(
// Create transfer
const transfer = {
tokenAddress: omniAddress(ChainKind.Sol, "EPjFWdd..."),
amount: BigInt("1000000"),
fee: BigInt(feeEstimate.transferred_token_fee),
nativeFee: BigInt(feeEstimate.native_token_fee),
recipient: omniAddress(ChainKind.Near, "recipient.near"),
// Initiate on Solana
const result = await omniTransfer(provider, transfer);
// Get Wormhole VAA (returns hex-encoded string)
const vaa = await getVaa(result.txHash, "Testnet");
// Finalize on NEAR
const nearClient = getClient(ChainKind.Near, nearAccount);
await nearClient.finalizeTransfer(
vaa, // Wormhole VAA required for Solana->NEAR
undefined, // No EVM proof needed
EVM chain transfers to NEAR require proof verification:
// Setup EVM wallet
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const wallet = provider.getSigner();
// Create transfer
const transfer = {
tokenAddress: omniAddress(ChainKind.Eth, "0x123..."), // Ethereum USDC
amount: BigInt("1000000"),
fee: BigInt(feeEstimate.transferred_token_fee),
nativeFee: BigInt(feeEstimate.native_token_fee),
recipient: omniAddress(ChainKind.Near, "recipient.near"),
// Initiate on EVM
const result = await omniTransfer(wallet, transfer);
// Get EVM proof
const proof = await getEvmProof(
// Finalize on NEAR
const nearClient = getClient(ChainKind.Near, nearAccount);
await nearClient.finalizeTransfer(
undefined, // No VAA needed
proof, // EVM proof required
import { getClient } from "omni-bridge-sdk";
// Initialize clients
const nearClient = getClient(ChainKind.Near, wallet);
const ethClient = getClient(ChainKind.Eth, wallet);
// Example: Deploy NEAR token to Ethereum
const { signature } = await nearClient.logMetadata("near:token.near");
// Deploy token with signed MPC payload
const result = await ethClient.deployToken(signature, {
token: "token.near",
name: "Token Name",
symbol: "TKN",
decimals: 18,
try {
await omniTransfer(wallet, transfer);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.includes("Insufficient balance")) {
// Handle insufficient funds
} else if (error.message.includes("Invalid token")) {
// Handle invalid token
} else if (error.message.includes("Transfer failed")) {
// Handle failed transfer
} else if (error.message.includes("Signature verification failed")) {
// Handle signature issues
Each supported chain has specific requirements:
- Account must exist and be initialized
- Sufficient NEAR for storage and gas
- Token must be registered with account
- Supports both near-api-js and Wallet Selector
- Sufficient ETH/native token for gas
- Token must be approved for bridge
- Valid ERC20 token contract
- Sufficient SOL for rent and fees
- Associated token accounts must exist
- SPL token program requirements
Currently supported chains:
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Solana (SOL)
- Arbitrum (ARB)
- Base
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Build
pnpm build
# Run tests
pnpm test
# Type checking
pnpm typecheck
# Linting
pnpm lint