This is a non-exhaustive list of opportunities available to Undergraduate students. Many of these positions are only focussed towards Indian students.
I am making this list as an attempt to fill the void of any such open source list. Your contribution is vital to keep the list up-to-date for future students to use. Hence it's a humble request to each user to contribute any new opportunity you discover and update the old ones. Without updation, the web-links will break, and the list will become redundant! I'll make sure that any such modification in the
raised as an issue or submitted as a pull request be timely reviewed and added.
The following are some global research internship positions:
- MITACS Gloablink, for research positions in Canada.
- DAAD Wise Scholarship, for research positions in Germany
- Research fellowship at ETH Zurich
- Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
- CRUISE Program by Georgia Tech University
- Summer at EPFL
- Robotics Institute for Summer Scholars, CMU
- SPIKE @ UNIST, Summer Program for Internship and Korean Experience
- NTHU Summer Internship Program
- Santa Fe Institute Summer Research Experience
- UROP International, RWTH Aachen
- University of Tokyo, Agmen Scholarship Japan (only Bio Tech and Bio-Chem Programs)
- MTBI Summer Program, Arizona State University: Only for US Citizens / Permanent Residents
- Summer Undergraduate Research fellowship program, Rockfeller Institute
- CERN Summer Student Program
- CERN OpenLab for Computer Science Undergraduates
- ISternship Summer Student Program, IST Austria
- CalTech SURF Program
- TIGP-IIP, Academia Sincia, Taiwan
- Agmen Scholarship, University of Tokyo
- IVISP, HKUST (only for senior year undergraduates + postgraduates)
- Space Astronomy Summer Program, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
- UNSW Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Internship
- OIST Research Internship Program, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- Data Visualization Programming Summer Student Internship in New York City, Flatiron Institute.
The following are some research internships for Indian students:
- S.N. Bose Scholarship, sponsored by IUSSTF
- Shastri Research Student Fellowship by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
- Viterbi India Program, sponsored by IUSSTF and USC Viterbi
- Khorana Program for Scholars, sponsored by IUSSTF
- NTU-India Connect, sponsored by NTU
- Charpak Global Scholarship, funded by French Embassy in India
- Indian Student Internship Program at NTHU
- IBM Blue Mix Research Internship
- IBM Extreme Blue (limited to IITs and NITs)
- LIGO IndiGo at CalTech, funded by US NSF
- SPARK, IIT Roorkee
- IIITD Summer Intersnhip, IIIT, New Delhi
- Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2021, IISc, IAS, INS
- Quantitative Research Summer Internship, WorldQuant India
- IITB Research Internship Award, IIT Bombay
- IITK SURGE Program, IIT Kanpur
- Internhip At CMI, Chennai Mathematical Institute
- Shastri Student Internship Project, Eligible universities here
- IITM - Summer Fellowship Programme, IIT Madras
- Cisco Summer internship
- Hackerrank SDE intern
- SSERD Research Intern for research work in topics like Space Settlement, Astrophysics, Space Mission Design etc.