This is a Julia package registry for MurrellGroup, enabling easier version management and instant registration of packages. This is particularly useful for packages that are in development or not quite deserving of registration in the General registry.
Julia stores registries in ~/.julia/registries
, meaning installation is needed only once per user on a given machine:
using Pkg
pkg"registry add"
Once installed, using packages in this registry is as simple as using any other.
A package can be registered in MurrellGroupRegistry using LocalRegistry.jl, which may be added to your global environment:
using Pkg
pkg"add LocalRegistry"
With the package that you want to register being in your working directory, run:
using Pkg, LocalRegistry
pkg"activate ."
- Fork the registry or something.
- Checkout new branch.
- As above, but call
register(registry="path/to/.julia/registries/MurrellGroupRegistry", push=false)
. - Create a pull request.
- ???
- HolyLabRegistry (somewhat dated, but README goes into more depth)