Some helpful functions for some simple stochastic processes.
The package implements forward
and backward
methods for a number of useful processes. For times
Xt = forward(Xs, P, t-s)
computes the distribution$\propto P(X_t | X_s)$ -
Xt = backward(Xu, P, u-t)
computes the likelihood$\propto P(X_u | X_t)$ (ie. considered as a function of$X_t$ )
Where P
is a Process
, and each of DiscreteState
or ContinuousState
, or scaled distributions (CategoricalLikelihood
or GaussianLikelihood
) over states, where the uncertainty (and normalizing constants) propogate. States
and Likelihoods
hold arrays of points/distributions, which are all acted upon by the process.
Since CategoricalLikelihood
and GaussianLikelihood
are closed under elementwise/pointwise products, to compute the (scaled) distribution at ⊙
Xt = forward(Xs, P, t-s) ⊙ backward(Xu, P, u-t)
One use-cases is drawing endpoint conditioned samples:
rand(forward(Xs, P, t-s) ⊙ backward(Xu, P, u-t))
endpoint_conditioned_sample(Xs, Xu, P, t-s, u-t)
For some processes where we don't support propagation of uncertainty, (eg. the ManifoldProcess
), endpoint_conditioned_sample
is implemented directly via approximate simulation.
Continuous State
Discrete State:
, with anyQ
matrix, where propogation is via matrix exponentialsUniformDiscrete
, with all rates equalPiQ
, where any event is a switch to a draw from the stationary distributionUniformUnmasking
, where switches occur from a masked state to any other states
using Pkg
using ForwardBackward
# Create a Brownian motion process
process = BrownianMotion(0.0, 1.0) # drift = 0.0, variance = 1.0
# Define start and end states
X0 = ContinuousState(zeros(10)) # start at origin
X1 = ContinuousState(ones(10)) # end at ones
# Sample a path at t = 0.3
sample = endpoint_conditioned_sample(X0, X1, process, 0.3)
# Create a process with uniform transition rates
process = UniformDiscrete()
X0 = DiscreteState(4, [1]) # 4 possible states, starting in state 1
X1 = DiscreteState(4, [4]) # ending in state 4
# Sample intermediate state
sample = endpoint_conditioned_sample(X0, X1, process, 0.5)
using Manifolds
# Create a process on a sphere
M = Sphere(2) # 2-sphere
process = ManifoldProcess(0.1) # with some noise
# Define start and end points
p0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
p1 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
X0 = ManifoldState(M, [p0])
X1 = ManifoldState(M, [p1])
# Sample a path
sample = endpoint_conditioned_sample(X0, X1, process, 0.5)
using ForwardBackward, Manifolds, Plots
#Project Torus(2) into 3D (just for plotting)
function tor(p; R::Real=2, r::Real=0.5)
u,v = p[1], p[2]
x = (R + r*cos(u)) * cos(v)
y = (R + r*cos(u)) * sin(v)
z = r * sin(u)
return [x, y, z]
#Define the manifold, and two endpoints, which are on opposite sides (in both dims) of the torus:
M = Torus(2)
p1 = [-pi, 0.0]
p0 = [0.0, -pi]
#When non-zero, the process will diffuse. When 0, the process is deterministic:
for P in [ManifoldProcess(0), ManifoldProcess(0.05)]
#When non-zero, the endpoints will be slightly noised:
for perturb_var in [0.0, 0.0001]
#We'll generate endpoint-conditioned samples evenly spaced over time:
t_vec = 0:0.001:1
#Set up the X0 and X1 states, just repeating the endpoints over and over:
X0 = ManifoldState(M, [perturb(M, p0, perturb_var) for _ in t_vec])
X1 = ManifoldState(M, [perturb(M, p1, perturb_var) for _ in t_vec])
#Independently draw endpoint-conditioned samples at times t_vec:
Xt = endpoint_conditioned_sample(X0, X1, P, t_vec)
#Plot the torus:
R = 2
r = 0.5
u = range(0, 2π; length=100) # angle around the tube
v = range(0, 2π; length=100) # angle around the torus center
pl = plot([(R + r*cos(θ))*cos(φ) for θ in u, φ in v], [(R + r*cos(θ))*sin(φ) for θ in u, φ in v], [r*sin(θ) for θ in u, φ in v],
color = "grey", alpha = 0.3, label = :none, camera = (30,30))
#Map the points to 3D and plot them:
endpts = stack(tor.([p0,p1]))
smppts = stack(tor.(eachcol(tensor(Xt))))
scatter!(smppts[1,:], smppts[2,:], smppts[3,:], label = :none, msw = 0, ms = 1.5, color = "blue", alpha = 0.5)
scatter!(endpts[1,:], endpts[2,:], endpts[3,:], label = :none, msw = 0, ms = 2.5, color = "red")
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.