Input list of udemy free courses and let python enroll it for you.
Required Python version: Python 3.8+
You must have pip or poetry installed. Please look up how to install them in your OS.
Download a release of this project or clone the repository then navigate to the folder where you placed the files on. Type pip install -r requirements.txt to get all the requirements installed in one go. Similar instructions applies for poetry.
- Get Web Drivers From Here if you don't have one
- Chrome-
- Firefox-
Note: Make sure that the driver version matches your browser.
- Make sure to install all the requirements above.
- Enter courses links with coupans which you want to enroll in courses.txt.
- Run the script, it asks for your email and password, which you should enter.
- It automatically enrolls all the courses on courses.txt for you.
This is just basic version more yet to come,contributors are mostly welcome. If u want to work on something realted to this project pls inform us about it and we may too help further.