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Mappie is a Kotlin compiler plugin which generates code to simplify developing object mapping code. Writing object mapping code is often a mind-numbing and error-prone task. Reducing this development effort will lead to a more pleasant programming experience, and less risk of bugs.

Mappie offers the following advantages:

  • All code is generated at compile-time, without the need for any reflection at runtime. Making the generated code have the same runtime performance as if one would write the object mapping code manually.
  • You write Kotlin code instead of String references, allowing your IDE to support you with automatic refactorings and auto-complete.
  • Fully designed with Kotlin in mind, making the code idiomatic and completely type-safe.
  • Mappie is easy to use and infers as much as possible.
  • Flawless compatibility with other platforms, such as Java types.
  • Error messages are informative and suggest concrete actions.

Visit the project documentation for more in-depth information.


The following snippet provides a minimal peek into the idiomatic style of Mappie. Suppose we have the data class Person which we want to map to the data class PersonDto

data class Person(
    val name: String, 
    val surname: String,
    val age: Int,

data class PersonDto(
    val name: String, 
    val age: Int, 

We can achieve generating such a mapper using the following object mapper.

object PersonToPersonDtoMapper : ObjectMappie<Person, PersonDto>() {
    override fun map(from: Person) = mapping {
        to::name fromValue "${} ${from.surname}"


Mappie can be used by adding the following snippet to your build.gradle.kts file.

plugins {
    id("tech.mappie.plugin") version "x.y.z"