A 2D platformer with procedural level generation, procedural soundtrack and procedural graphics.
- Explore a new world every time!
MacOS Aplication: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TK5GLo0wNiUfMnVlu7F597fRLAX5pDdC?usp=sharing
Note the App must be in the same folder as the included data folder to run.
Arrow keys: to move and jump. Space Bar: to change hat colour.
Created with openFrameworks: https://openframeworks.cc/about/
ofxAddons: http://ofxaddons.com/categories
- ofxGui
- ofxLSystemGrammar-master
- ofxPDSP
- ofxSIMDFloats
- ofxMidi
- ofxTrueTypeFontUC-master