Hello! This is the officially unofficial Absolver moveset API. It includes move data for Absolver, as well as Absolver Plus, a community mod.
This API is a statically hosted set of json
formatted files. You can access them in a few ways, in bulk or individually
To access vanilla absolver move data, simply make a GET
request to api.absolver.dev/{move-name}.json
e.g. to request "Axe Kick", you need to simply kebab-case
the move name and append it to the API URL.
You may also get every barehands and sword move at the following URLS
- Barehands:
- Sword:
// Axe kick
// 360 Tornado Kick
Being that Absolver Plus changes a lot of move data, you can access updated values by the same method above, the only difference being that you add /plus
to the path
You may also get every barehands and sword move for Absolver PLUS here
- Barehands:
- Sword:
// Bounce Knee (Plus version)
The result of these calls will be statically served JSON.
This data follows the shape first Authored by Morklympious for the Absolver Deck Editor Web application. For example, here's what calbot looks like.
Everything should be self explanatory, and the stance
key / values give key/value pairs for STARTING_QUADRANT: ENDING_QUADRANT
. Sword is different since some moves are not available due to every absolver holding sword in their right hand.
This is why calbot can "only" be slotted in the front left when holding a sword.
"name": "Calbot",
"style": "forsaken",
"stance": {
"barehands": {
"sword": {
"hits": "same",
"height": "high",
"type": "horizontal",
"frames": {
"startup": 13,
"advantage": {
"hit": 4,
"guard": 1
"modifiers": []
Just as you can access move data with a json
file extension, images are made available at the /images/
// This will link off to side kick. Go crazy, I guess.
- Absolver Plus move data currently does not support "driving palm" and "reverse elbow strike", the two moves added to Absolver plus for barehands.
- This might not be the final shape of data, but it'll work for now!
Thanks for reading! And reach out to me on discord if you have any questions!