This release contains binaries and libraries (DLLs) for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the first week of October 2022. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavors:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
New features:
- ModuleSand - Solid flow output in [m2/s]
- Stronger verification is made to avoid unstable solutions.
Corrected bugs:
- Bugs fixed related with discharges and time series output in curvilinear grid implementations
- Consistent way of defining the boundary polygon of a curvilinear grid with ghost vertices
- Bug fixed related with statistics analysis between two depths
- Bug fixes in the online and offline upscaling methodologies, particularly for the upscaling via discharge only method, where the model only recognized one possible parent domain cell face in contact with land and overlapped with a son domain.
== MOHID Land ==
New features:
- Module RunOff
Major refactoring of 1D stormwater integration with 2D runoff
Improved water elevation open boundary settings
Fixed line discharge bug when line only intercepts one grid cell
Runoff log file with calculations summary (global water volume balance) is now written in results folder (RunOff.log)
Added new OpenMP directives;
Added new outputs: maximum flooded area, time of max total flooded area, final total flooded area
Corrected bugs:
- Fixed bug computing initial Module RunOff water volume;