This project can be used to set up a simple build process based on the Gulp build tool
It makes use of the babel es2015 preset for transpiling modern javascript into es5 compliant javascript for compatibility with older browsers
The following instructions are fairly opinionated - feel free to use your own favourite tools - but they aren't described here. Please don't shoot the author - there are probably other choices out there, this project was built to fulfill a specific purpose...
- Clone the repository to a local folder
- Open up git bash and change to the root folder of the cloned repository
- Run npm install to bring down all required node modules
- When finished, run the command atom . to open up the atom editor ready to start your project (Note. Similar commands will exist for your favourite alternative editor such as sublime, brackets etc)
- Back in the git bash prompt, type in the command gulp to start running the various css preprocessor and source to build copies in watch mode
- In Atom (replace with favourite editor) start a live server so that changes happen automatically without having to refresh the browser
Using the basic project as a baseline, exercises can be performed with git, sass, es2015 etc with a relatively quick turnaround.