FindThatCard, the online trading site that allows you to buy and sell cards and related accessories in a simple way.
Clone this repo to your local machine using
update and install this package first
$ npm update
now install npm packages
$ cd .\be\
$ npm install
$ cd .\front-end\
$ npm install
now you can start front-end and back-end
$ cd .\be\
$ npm start
$ cd .\front-end\
$ npm start
-Login /Signup -Edit personal info -Refill balace using Paypal sandbox -Post card in the market choosing name price and other info, card's photo is required -Buy cards from market -Add card to your wishlist -Manage your orders as seller and buyer
Here you can change your personal information, view statistics relating to card searches both made by you and by all users registered on the platform.
You will also be able to view your wishlist, where you can add or remove cards.
Here you will be able to buy cards, or add to your wishlist to buy them later. At the top there is a section relating to filters with which to search: you can search for cards by name, price or brand
Here you will be able to post advertisements with your cards, all fields are required.
Once published, the cards will be available and visible to all. and everyone can buy them. You can remove the listing at any time by pressing the x button