Hi there 👋 I'm Melissa! I am a Full Stack Web Developer | UX Designer. I am passionate about Front End development and User Experience Research. My goal is to improve the computerized charting systems in hospitals and create video games with my autistic son.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- CODE SHOCK, LLC - Collaborating remotely with 12 other engineers. I am the UX Designer and Front End Developer for a website that helps junior devlopers seek jobs. I have been using HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Figma, and Grommet for design styling.
- Creating a 2D side-scrolling game in Python for my CS50 Final Project.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...
- Taking Harvard's Fall 2021 CS50 Course.
- Python using a Udemy Complete Bootcamp course to help strengthen my skills.
- UX Design through https://www.interaction-design.org/ to freshen up on my skills.
- Ethical Hacking course through Udemy.
- freecodecamp.com
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- Developing video games of all sorts
- Computerized charting systems for hospitals
- 👯 Past Projects ...
- Family Promise of Spokane - Remotely collaborating with 6 other engineers to add features (Facebook, DocuSign, Dark Mode) to their application. I have been creating the Executive Director Dashboard using HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Whimsical, and Ant Design for styling. We integrated a Facebook widget and DocuSign.
- Water My Plants App - Front-End UI for marketing pages, ReactJS and Redux for Sign In and Sign Up forms, NodeJS for Back End API.
- 📫 How to reach me: ... [email protected] | www.melissatanksley.com