Turn your old keyboards into customizable decks. Assign shortcuts or command to various keys and improve your productivity.
Project was created after I became fatiqued by repetitive actions. Dedicated streaming decks however seemed a bit expensive solution, especially considering that I already have functioning keyboards I don't use. Application si written in Rust.
- pkg-config
- libx11-dev
- libxtst-dev
- List HID USB Devices
- Setup different macros on multiple devices
- Shortcuts (emits simultanously pressed keys)
- Sequential output (emits gradually pressed keys)
- Shell commands
- Currently mainly for Linux (Windows support will be added later)
- Better error handling and general code improvements
- Proper thread handling and termination
- Clipboard copy/paste with multiple memory buffers
- Clipboard paste with transformation rules
- Sequential key output (different from Shortcuts)
- Add modifier keys support
- Consolidate two different sets of keys
How to run:
cargo build
#list all devices
./keyboard2deck -l
#find out which device you are interested in and set it in configuration file
#run as sudo to obtain device
sudo ./keyboard2deck -c config.yaml
- vid: 6127
pid: 24647
- key: "B"
description: "Will run Ctrl+Alt+Delete"
- "ControlLeft"
- "Alt"
- "Delete"
- key: "F"
description: "Runs format code in VSCode"
- "ControlLeft"
- "ShiftLeft"
- "I"
- key: "W"
description: "Opens chromium as my home user"
uid: 1000 # Only available in Unix/Linux
command: "chromium"
args: []
Configuration file is currently case-sensitive.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5, Num6, Num7, Num8, Num9, Num0, Enter, Esc, Backspace, Tab, Space, Minus, Equal, LeftBrace, Rightbrace, Backslash, Hashtilde, Semicolon, Apostrophe, Grave, Comma, Dot, Slash, Capslock, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, ControlLeft, ControlRight, Alt, AltLeft, AltRight, Intlbackslash, Home, Insert, Delete, End, PrintScreen,