Lecture notes and course material for Applied Complex Analysis (2021) at Imperial College
See also previous lecture notes for previous courses: M3M6 Methods of Mathematical Physics and Applied Complex Analysis (2020)
Fridays, 11:00-12:00, MS Teams
Thursdays in Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10; 11:00-12:00 or 2:00-3:00, MS Teams
- Project proposal due 26 Feb 2021
- Project due 26 March 2021
Examples of previous projects:
- Wasim Rehman, Quantum Mechanics and Matrix Functions via Trapezium Rule
- Tianyi Pu, 2D Ideal Fluid Flow Around an Obstacle
- Hao Hao, 2D Uniform Ideal Fluid Flow
- M.J. Ablowitz & A.S. Fokas, Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003
- R. Earl, Metric Spaces and Complex Analysis, 2015
- E. Wegert, Visual Complex Functions: An Introduction with Phase Portraits, Birkhäuser, 2012
- B. Fornberg & C. Piret, Complex Variables and Analytic Functions: An Illustrated Introduction, SIAM, 2019
- Problem Sheet 1 (Solutions)
- Problem Sheet 2 (Solutions)
- Problem Sheet 3 (Solutions)
- Problem Sheet 4 (Solutions)
- Problem Sheet 5 (Solutions)
- Mastery material, Mastery Sheet, (Solutions)
- Revision questions
- Running Julia code
- Visualising complex functions
- Cauchy's integral formula and Taylor series
- Laurent series and residue calculus
- Analyticity at infinity
- Applications of complex integration to real integrals
- Trapezium rule, Fourier series and Laurent series
- Matrix norms and matrix functions
- Computing matrix functions via Cauchy's integral formula and the trapezium rule
- Matrix exponentials and the (fractional) heat equation
- Branch cuts
- Representing analytic functions by their behaviour near singularities
- Cauchy transforms and Plemelj's theorem
- Hilbert transforms
- Inverting the Hilbert transform and ideal fluid flow
- Electrostatic charges in a potential well
- Logarithmic singular integrals
- Inverting logarithmic singular integrals and 2D electrostatic potentials
- Orthogonal polynomials
- Classical orthogonal polynomials
- Orthogonal polynomials and differential equations
- Orthogonal polynomials and singular integrals
- Hermite polynomials
- Riemann–Hilbert problems
- Laurent and Toeplitz operators
- Half-Fourier and Laplace transforms
- The Wiener–Hopf method