Releases: LuMariGames/TJAP_3DS
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.5.0
- 上画面下部に出る踊り子の実装
dancer.t3x と 設定済みの config.json を以下のように置けば出来ます。
config.json ⇒ スキン全体の設定
dancer.t3x ⇒ 踊り子を表示する部分
{"don_x": 76, "don_y": 43, "don_go_x": 76, "don_go_y": 43, "d1anime": "0,1,2,3", "d2anime": "0,1,2,3", "d3anime": "0,1,2,3"}
新オプションの d1anime, d2anime, d3anime は踊り子の何コマ目を表示するかを最大128コマ指定出来ます。
- ロード中に演奏できる様に(※曲は流れません)
- コンボボイスの実装
- Implementation of a dancer that appears at the bottom of the upper screen.
You can do this by placing dancer.t3x and the configured config.json as shown below.
config.json ⇒ Global Skin Settings
dancer.t3x ⇒ Dancer's Assets
Incidentally, config.json will no longer be displayed automatically from this version onwards,
so if you want to implement a dancer, please copy and create the template below.
{"don_x": 76, "don_y": 43, "don_go_x": 76, "don_go_y": 43, "d1anime": "0,1,2,3", "d2anime": "0,1,2,3", "d3anime": "0,1,2,3"}
The new options d1anime, d2anime, and d3anime allow you to specify how many frames of the dancer should be displayed, up to 128 frames.
Since it is a 4-measure 1-loop although the adjustment is quite troublesome, it is also possible to use Vocaloid character dancers.
※You cannot change the motion when you achieve clear like “I'll make you Sachi Sachi”.
- You can play music while it loads. (※music will not play)
- Addition of ComboVoice
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.6(B)
- OLD3DSでプレイすると演奏中fpsが低下する不具合の修正
- 譜面分岐が実行されない不具合の修正 (2025/02/04追記)
- 特定の譜面にて譜面分岐が正常に実行されない不具合の修正 (2025/02/05追記)
change log
- Fixed a bug that caused fps to drop when playing on OLD3DS.
- Fixed a bug where music sheet branching was not executed. (Added 2025/02/04)
- Fixed a bug that caused the score branching not to be executed properly on a specific score (Added 2025/02/05)
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.6
- tjaファイル内に「SONGVOL:」を記述する事で楽曲の音量調整が可能に
- 譜面と楽曲がズレる際の幅が減少しました(完全に無くすのは難しい...)
- 音符のブレを無くしました。
Change log
- It is possible to adjust the volume of the song by writing "SONGVOL:" in the tja file
- The width when the score and the song shift have decreased (it is difficult to get rid of it completely...)
- The misalignment of musical notes has been fixed.
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.5
- 音声部分に関する大幅な軽量化
- 曲全体のBPMを倍率で変更できる様に
- 双打譜面の試験的対応
- 譜面分岐の条件に「大音符を叩いた数」を追加しました。(ドン(大)とカッ(大)が対象です)
Change log
- Significant weight reduction in the audio part
- So that the BPM of the entire song can be changed by magnification
- Experimental response to the double sheet music
- Added "number of times big notes were hit" to the conditions for music score branching. (This applies to DON and KA)
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.3(C)
- 風船音符の位置がおかしくなるのを修正
- その他軽度な不具合の修正
- Fixed balloon note positioning issue
- Fixed other minor bugs
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.3(B)
- ノーツが正しく表示されない事があるのを修正
- その他軽度の修正
Change log(English)
- Fixed a bug where notes were not displayed correctly
- Other minor fixes
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.3
- 一部動作の軽量化
- スキンをより細かく弄れる様にする為の設定を追加
この設定は、sdmc:/tjafiles/theme/config.json に保存されます。
Change log (English)
- Lightweighting of some operations
- Added settings to make the skin more detailed
This setting is stored in sdmc:/tjafiles/theme/config.json.
(※Since it is a setting for creators, please use FTPD, etc. when changing the value.)
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.2
- 連打音符により永遠に演奏が終わらない可能性があった不具合の修正
- oldとnewの統合化(old2dsは恐らく非対応)
Change log (English)
- Fixed a bug that could not end the performance forever due to consecutive notes
- Integration of old and new (old2ds is probably not supported)
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.1
- テクスチャファイルの更新 (v1.4.0(A)までに作られた.t3xは動作しません。)
- 一部アニメーションの実装
- New3DS/2DS向けに最適化されたバージョンの追加(Old3DSを使用している場合はファイル名にo3dsがあるのをお使い下さい)
因みにOld2DS非対応です、次のバージョンまで少々お待ちを... - アニメーション付きスキンを配布します。
-Update log-
- Texture file update (.t3x made by v1.4.0(A) does not work.)
- Implementation of some animations
- Added a version optimized for New3DS/2DS (If you are using Old3DS, please use o3ds in the file name)
By the way, Old2DS is not supported, please wait a moment until the next version... - We will distribute skins with animations.
TJAPlayer for 3DS v1.4.0(A)
- リザルト画面に切り替わらない事がある不具合の修正
-Update log-
- Fixed a bug that may not switch to the result screen