Team JODDs repo for OpenHack 2017 in Gothenburg.
Case created by i3tex
Careflow is a web app created to help parents with kids with function variations. It is design to ease the distribution of information to the network of people that exists around the kid.
As a parent to a kid with a functional variation there are a lot of information and tasks to keep track of just to manage everyday life. With CareFlow you can collect all of this in one place and make sure that relevant information reaches the right people.
It can also be used as a quick guide for a new person comming in to the kids life with useful tips on how interact with the kid.
To run CareFlow you need to have Flask installed and start an instance of the backend server. Please see the installation guide
$ pip install Flask
$ FLASK_APP=backend/ flask run
Then you can open the index.html file in your browser and everything should work.
- Jakob Willforss
- Johan Philipsson
- Daniel Alm Grundström
- Daniel Hamngren