A small library to poll mails from tutanota and possibly decrypt sender name, subject and body and mark them as read.
The library provides a high level client with the option to connect to a websocket to listen for new messages as well as a wrapper for the undocumented tuta api. The library can also decrypt sender name, subject and message body.
let config = tuta_poll::config::Account {
"[email protected]",
watch_spam: true,
show_name: true,
show_subject: true,
show_body: true,
let client = tuta_poll::client::Client::new(&config).await?;
use futures_util::pin_mut;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
let mails = client.get_mails();
while let Some(mail) = mails.next().await {
let mut mail = mail?;
let decrypted_mail = client.decrypt(&mail).await;
let connector = client.get_websocket_connector()?;
loop {
let mut socket = connector.connect()?;
while let Ok(has_new) = socket.has_new().await {
if !has_new {
let mails = client.get_mails();
For two full examples see the examples/