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Metagenomic standard operating procedure
Below is the quick and dirty description of our previous metagenomics pipeline v1. You can see the latest SOPs here.
Note that this workflow is continually being updated. If you want to use the below commands be sure to keep track of them locally.
Last updated: 29 March 2017 (see "revisions" above for earlier versions)
This workflow starts with raw paired-end MiSeq or NextSeq data in demultiplexed FASTQ format assumed to be located within a folder called raw_data
(Optional) Concatenate multiple lanes of sequencing together (e.g. for NextSeq data). If you do this step remember to change "raw_data" to "concat_data" below.
concat_lanes.pl raw_data/* -o concat_data -p 4
Run FastQC to allow manual inspection of the quality of sequences.
mkdir fastqc_out fastqc -t 4 raw_data/* -o fastqc_out/
(Optional) Stitch paired-end reads together (summary of stitching results are written to "pear_summary_log.txt"). Note: it is important to check the % of reads assembled. It may be better to concatenate the forward and reverse reads together if the assembly % is too low (see step 6).
run_pear.pl -p 4 -o stitched_reads raw_data/*
If you don't stitch your reads together at this step you will need to unzip your FASTQ files before running the below command.
Run Bowtie2 to screen out contaminant sequences: here we are screening out reads that map to the human or PhiX genomes (log written to "screened_reads.log" by default). Note: you can use run_deconseq.pl instead, but it is much slower.
echo "--local" >> ./bowtie2_config.txt ### add the bowtie2 options you want to use to a config file run_contaminant_filter.pl -p 4 -o screened_reads/ stitched_reads/*.assembled* -d /home/shared/bowtiedb/GRCh38_PhiX -c ./bowtie2_config.txt
Run Trimmomatic to trim off bases under specified quality values and to discard reads under a certain length after trimming (running FastQC on the screened reads is helpful for choosing these parameters). This script assumes that sample IDs are the first field when the filename is delimited by "_". You can instead use "." as the delimiter with "--delimiter .".
run_trimmomatic.pl -l 5 -t 5 -r 15 -w 4 -m 70 -j /usr/local/prg/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.36.jar --thread 4 -o trimmomatic_filtered screened_reads/*fastq
(Optional) If you did not stitch your paired-end reads together with PEAR, then you could concatenate the forward and reverse FASTQs together now. Note this is done after quality filtering so that both reads in a pair are either discarded or retained. It's important to only specify the "paired" FASTQs outputted by Trimmomatic in the below command.
concat_paired_end.pl -p 4 -o cat_reads trimmomatic_filtered/*_paired*fastq
Run MetaPhlAn2 for taxonomic composition (note the input FASTQs will be in "cat_reads" if you ran step 6):
run_metaphlan2.pl -p 4 -o metaphlan_taxonomy.txt trimmomatic_filtered/*fastq
Convert from MetaPhlAn2 to STAMP profile file.
metaphlan_to_stamp.pl metaphlan_taxonomy.txt > metaphlan_taxonomy.spf
Run pre-HUMAnN DIAMOND search (Note the input FASTQs will be in "cat_reads" if you ran step 6):
mkdir pre_humann ls trimmomatic_filtered/* | parallel --eta -j 0 --load 90% diamond blastx -p 1 -d /home/shared/kegg/diamond_db/kegg.reduced -q {} -o pre_humann/{/.}.txt --quiet
Run HUMAnN (link files to HUMAnN "input" directory and then run HUMAnN with scons command). Note that you can run this in parallel with
option (e.g. scons -j 4), but I have found this often causes HUMAnN to unexpectedly error. Note that "/home/shared/humann-0.99/" is the location of HUMAnN on our virtual box. You should install this into your own home directory if you are running it on a different system (esp. if there are multiple users).rm /home/shared/humann-0.99/input/*txt rm /home/shared/humann-0.99/output/* ln -s $PWD/pre_humann/* /home/shared/humann-0.99/input/ cd /home/shared/humann-0.99/ scons
Convert HUMAnN output to STAMP format
cd output/ humann_to_stamp.pl 04b-hit-keg-mpm-cop-nul-nve-nve.txt > humann_modules.spf humann_to_stamp.pl 04b-hit-keg-mpt-cop-nul-nve-nve.txt > humann_pathways.spf humann_to_stamp.pl 01b-hit-keg-cat.txt > humann_kos.spf
- Please feel free to post a question on the Microbiome Helper google group if you have any issues.
- General comments or inquires about Microbiome Helper can be sent to [email protected].