- Compile as:
Next command will cretae main.js from main.cpp.
emcc main.cpp -o main.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_async']" -s RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=2 -s ASYNCIFY=1 -s ASYNCIFY_FUNCTIONS="['_async']" -std=c++11
Next command will cretae worker.js from worker.cpp.
emcc -std=c++11 worker.cpp -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_one']" -o worker.js -s BUILD_AS_WORKER=1
Test - open index.html, push the button (you will see messge box before and after call async) and wait 20 sec. While waiting, the page is not blocked. After 20 sec. thread will call main thread.
Web browsers - IE (11.0.9600.18499), FireFox Nightly 55.0.a1, FireFox 52.0. For Chrome (56.0.2924.87) - first close all chrome windows (close the chrome) and open it again as cmd -> chrome --allow-file-access-from-files file:///path-to-the-index.html
Like as: chrome --allow-file-access-from-files file:///C:/WORK/webasm/WebAsmAsync/index.html