a list of my git aliases.
For even faster git ineraction check out my project git-to-g for using g instead of git. E.g., g s instead of git status or git s.
Find your .gitconfig Can use: git config --list --show-origin
Mine lives in my home directory: C:/Users/myName/.gitconfig
Put the following into your .gitconfig:
[diff] # This works with the difftool (dt alias) and can be changed based on your needs. tool = vimdiff [alias] a = add aa = add --all ap = add --patch au = add --update b = branch bd = branch --delete bl = branch --list ch = checkout chb = checkout -b chp = checkout --patch c = commit ca = commit --all cl = clone cv = commit --verbose cav = commit --all --verbose d = diff ds = diff --staged dt = difftool dts = difftool --staged l = log m = merge mf = merge --ff-only pl = pull plr = pull --rebase p = push pu = push --set-upstream origin r = reset rb = rebase rbc = rebase --continue s = status st = stash sta = stash apply stl = stash list