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Scripting dynamic states
kromster80 edited this page Jan 20, 2025
59 revisions
States are queried in a form States.STATE_NAME(STATE_PARAMETERS)
like so:
if States.StatPlayerCount > 5 then
unitCnt := States.StatUnitCount(1);
Version column description:
"-" Means this state was added from the start.
"5678" Means this state was introduced in revision 5678.
"-5678" Means this state was removed in revision 5678.
- CampaignMissionCount
- CampaignMissionWon
- EntityType
- ❌ FogRevealed
- GamePeaceTime
- GroupAt
- GroupBannerDisplay
- GroupCanTakeOrders
- GroupColumnCount
- GroupDead
- GroupIsIdle
- GroupMember
- GroupMemberCount
- GroupOwner
- GroupType
- GroupTypeName
- HouseAt
- HouseDamage
- ❌ HouseDeliveryBlocked
- HouseDestroyed
- ❌ HouseHasOccupant
- HouseHasWorker
- HouseIsComplete
- HouseOwner
- HousePosition
- HousePositionDoorstep
- HousePositionX
- HousePositionY
- HouseRepair
- HouseSheepyardHasPasture
- HouseTrainQueuePeek
- HouseType
- HouseTypeName
- HouseWareBlock
- HouseWareInside
- HouseWareInType
- HouseWareInTypeCount
- HouseWareOutType
- HouseWareOutTypeCount
- HouseWaresBlock
- HouseWeaponsOrdered
- ❌ HouseWoodcutterChopOnly
- HouseWoodcutterMode
- IsFieldAt
- IsOrchardAt
- IsRoadAt
- PlayerAIDispositionCount
- PlayerAIDispositionGet
- PlayerAIDispositionGroup
- PlayerAIDispositionUIDGet
- PlayerAIDispositionUIDGroup
- PlayerAllianceCheck
- PlayerColorText
- PlayerDefeated
- PlayerEnabled
- PlayerFogRevealed
- PlayerGetAllGroups
- PlayerGetAllGroupsFilter
- PlayerGetAllHouses
- PlayerGetAllObjectives
- PlayerGetAllRoads
- PlayerGetAllUnits
- PlayerGetAllUnitsFilter
- PlayerGetHouses
- PlayerHouseBlocked
- PlayerHouseCanBuild
- PlayerHouseGranted
- PlayerIsNeutral
- PlayerName
- PlayerObjectiveStatus
- PlayerObjectiveType
- PlayerVictorious
- PlayerWareDistribution
- StatArmyCount
- StatCitizenCount
- StatHouseTypeCount
- StatPlayerCount
- StatUnitCount
- StatUnitKilledCount
- StatUnitLostCount
- StatUnitTypeCount
- StatWaresBalance
- StatWaresProduced
- StatWaresProducedValue
- ❌ SysRandom
- ❌ SysRandomI
- TerrainObjectState
- UnitAt
- UnitCarryCount
- UnitCarryType
- UnitDamageMax
- UnitDamageMin
- UnitDead
- UnitDirection
- UnitGroup
- UnitHitpoints
- UnitHitpointsMax
- UnitHunger
- UnitHungerLow
- UnitHungerMax
- UnitInHouse
- UnitOwner
- UnitPositionX
- UnitPositionY
- UnitsAt
- UnitType
- UnitTypeName
- WareTypeName
Ver sion |
State description | Parameters and types |
Returns |
8721 |
CampaignMissionCount Get total number of missions in the current campaign. Campaign-only action! |
Integer | |
8723 |
CampaignMissionWon See if the mission was won. Campaign-only action! |
aMission: Integer; // mission index to check | Boolean |
7969 |
EntityType Get the entity type by its UID (0 - unknown or none, 1 - Unit, 2 - House, 3 - UnitGroup, 4 - Stockpile) |
aEntityID: Integer; | Integer |
-8743 |
FogRevealed ❌ Removed Method was removed, use PlayerFogRevealed instead |
aPlayer: Integer; aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean |
- |
GamePeaceTime Get the peacetime duration (in game ticks) |
Cardinal | |
- |
GroupAt Return UID of a group at requested coordinates |
aX, aY: Word; | Integer |
14898 |
GroupBannerDisplay Returns state of the groups banner display. False if the group is already dead |
aGroupID: Integer; | Boolean |
15640 |
GroupCanTakeOrders See if the group can take orders (i.e. not in a fight) |
aGroupID: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
GroupColumnCount Returns 0 if group does not exist |
aGroupID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
GroupDead See if the group is dead (all members are dead) |
aGroupID: Integer; | Boolean |
5632 |
GroupIsIdle See if the group has no active orders |
aGroupID: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
GroupMember Get N-th group member |
aGroupID: Integer; aMemberIndex: Integer; |
Integer |
- |
GroupMemberCount Returns how many member there are in this group |
aGroupID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
GroupOwner Returns to which Hand this group belongs |
aGroupID: Integer; | Integer |
14509 |
GroupType Returns group type |
aGroupID: Integer; | TKMGroupType |
15658 |
GroupTypeName Returns group type name as used in the game engine Intended to be used for debug purposes |
aGroupType: TKMGroupType; | string |
- |
HouseAt Get the house at coordinates |
aX, aY: Word; | Integer |
- |
HouseDamage Check house damage -1 if house does not exist |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer |
-7015 |
HouseDeliveryBlocked ❌ Removed Method was removed, use HouseWareBlock instead |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Boolean |
- | HouseDestroyed | aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
-6102 |
HouseHasOccupant ❌ Removed Method was removed, use HouseHasWorker instead |
aHouseID: Integer; | |
6102 |
HouseHasWorker Check if the house has a worker assigned to it |
aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
HouseIsComplete Check if house is complete |
aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
HouseOwner See to which player the house belongs |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer |
15016 |
HousePosition Returns location of the house X:-1, Y:-1 if house does not exist |
aHouseID: Integer; | TKMPoint |
15016 |
HousePositionDoorstep Returns location of the tile in front of the house main entrance, taking house facing direction into account X:-1, Y:-1 if house does not exist |
aHouseID: Integer; | TKMPoint |
- |
HousePositionX -1 if house does not exist |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
HousePositionY -1 if house does not exist |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
HouseRepair Check if house repair is enabled |
aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
13134 |
HouseSheepyardHasPasture Check if the sheepyard has a pasture built (fenced area by the back door) |
aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
4820 |
HouseTrainQueuePeek Get the unit type in the houses training queue (School/Fort/Barracks) |
aHouseID: Integer; QueueIndex: Integer; |
TKMUnitType |
- |
HouseType Get the house type |
aHouseID: Integer; | TKMHouseType |
15658 |
HouseTypeName Returns house type name as used in the game engine Intended to be used for debug purposes |
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; | string |
7021 |
HouseWareBlock Lookup spacious house ware delivery policy. Works only for spacious houses (Camp, Fort, Store, Barracks) |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer // 0 - allow, 1 - block, 2 - evacuate |
- |
HouseWareInside See the total amount of wares (input and output) in a house -1 if house does not exist or ware can not be in that house |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer |
15065 |
HouseWareInType Get the ware type in the house input For spacious houses ware types are listed both for input and output Returns wtNone in case of an error |
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aIndex: Integer; |
TKMWareType |
15065 |
HouseWareInTypeCount Get the number of ware types in the house input For spacious houses ware types are listed both for input and output Returns -1 in case of an error |
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; | Integer |
15065 |
HouseWareOutType Get the ware type in the house output For spacious houses ware types are listed both for input and output Returns wtNone in case of an error |
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aIndex: Integer; |
TKMWareType |
15065 |
HouseWareOutTypeCount Get the number of ware types in the house output For spacious houses ware types are listed both for input and output Returns -1 in case of an error |
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; | Integer |
10399 |
HouseWaresBlock Lookup common ware delivery policy. Works only for common houses |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer // 0 - allow, 1 - block |
- |
HouseWeaponsOrdered Get the amount of weapons ordered in the house |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer |
-15056 |
HouseWoodcutterChopOnly ❌ Removed Method was removed, use HouseWoodcutterMode instead |
aHouseID: Integer; | Boolean |
15057 |
HouseWoodcutterMode Modes are: -1 for error, 0 - cut and plant, 1 - chop only, 2 - plant only |
aHouseID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
IsFieldAt Check if there is a field owned by player at coordinates |
aPlayer: Integer; // player to whom field must belong. -1 stands for any player aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean |
- |
IsOrchardAt Check if there is a orchard owned by player at coordinates |
aPlayer: Integer; // player to whom orchard must belong. -1 stands for any player aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean |
- |
IsRoadAt Check if there is a road owned by player at coordinates |
aPlayer: Integer; // player to whom road must belong. -1 stands for any player aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean |
14370 |
PlayerAIDispositionCount Return how many dispositions AI has -1 if the player does not exist or is not AI |
aPlayer: Integer; | Integer |
15082 |
PlayerAIDispositionGet Returns disposition details All returned values will be zero if the player does not exist or is not AI, or Index is wrong |
aPlayer: Integer; aIndex: Integer; out aUID: Integer; out aX, aY: Integer; out aDir: Integer; out aGroupType: TKMGroupType; out aNumUnits: Integer; out aUnitsPerRow: Integer; out aGuardRadius: Integer; |
14405 |
PlayerAIDispositionGroup Returns group currently assigned to the disposition Returns zero if the player does not exist or is not AI, or Index is wrong |
aPlayer: Integer; aIndex: Integer; |
Integer |
15082 |
PlayerAIDispositionUIDGet Returns disposition details All returned values will be zero if the player does not exist or is not AI, or aDispositionUID is unknown |
aPlayer: Integer; aDispositionUID: Integer; out aX, aY: Integer; out aDir: Integer; out aGroupType: TKMGroupType; out aNumUnits: Integer; out aUnitsPerRow: Integer; out aGuardRadius: Integer; |
15082 |
PlayerAIDispositionUIDGroup Returns group currently assigned to the disposition Returns zero if the player does not exist or is not AI, or aDispositionUID is unknown |
aPlayer: Integer; aDispositionUID: Integer; |
Integer |
- |
PlayerAllianceCheck Checking alliances with Neutral will always return True (despite some animals being agressive) |
aPlayer1: Integer; aPlayer2: Integer; |
Boolean |
- |
PlayerColorText Get the string with color code of the player (adjusted brighter for text display) |
aPlayer: Integer; | string |
- | PlayerDefeated | aPlayer: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
PlayerEnabled Check if hand is enabled (chosen to be played by anyone on mission start) |
aPlayer: Integer; | Boolean |
8743 |
PlayerFogRevealed See if tile is revealed to the player (known or live) |
aPlayer: Integer; aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean |
- |
PlayerGetAllGroups Get list of all players groups |
aPlayer: Integer; | TKMIntegerArray |
14495 |
PlayerGetAllGroupsFilter Get list of all players groups |
aPlayer: Integer; aGroupType: TKMGroupTypeSet; |
TKMIntegerArray |
- |
PlayerGetAllHouses Return all players houses that are not destroyed |
aPlayer: Integer; | TKMIntegerArray |
14892 |
PlayerGetAllObjectives Return all players objectives |
aPlayer: Integer; | TKMIntegerArray |
- |
PlayerGetAllRoads Get list of all players roads |
aPlayer: Integer; // player to whom roads must belong. 0..N-1 | TKMPointArray |
- |
PlayerGetAllUnits Return all players units that are not dead and not in training |
aPlayer: Integer; | TKMIntegerArray |
14495 |
PlayerGetAllUnitsFilter Return all players units that are not dead and not in training |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitTypes: TKMUnitTypeSet; |
TKMIntegerArray |
12942 |
PlayerGetHouses Return all players houses of certain type that are not destroyed |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; // house type to return. htAny for all houses aOnlyCompleted: Boolean; // return only completed houses |
TKMIntegerArray |
10697 |
PlayerHouseBlocked Check if Player has the house type explicitly blocked from being built |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
Boolean |
- |
PlayerHouseCanBuild Check if Player can build certain house type |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
Boolean |
10697 |
PlayerHouseGranted Check if Player has the house explicitly granted (allowed to be built If house is both granted and blocked - it will be blocked |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
Boolean |
10470 |
PlayerIsNeutral Check if the player is neutral (animals) |
aPlayer: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
PlayerName Get the players full name |
aPlayer: Integer; | string |
14892 |
PlayerObjectiveStatus Get the objective status Returns osHidden in case of fail |
aPlayer: Integer; aObjectiveId: Integer; |
TKMObjectiveStatus |
14892 |
PlayerObjectiveType Get the objective type Returns otMain in case of fail |
aPlayer: Integer; aObjectiveId: Integer; |
TKMObjectiveType |
- | PlayerVictorious | aPlayer: Integer; | Boolean |
- | PlayerWareDistribution | aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
Byte |
- | StatArmyCount | aPlayer: Integer; | Integer |
- | StatCitizenCount | aPlayer: Integer; | Integer |
- |
StatHouseTypeCount Return number of completed houses of specified type that player has at this moment |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
Integer |
- |
StatPlayerCount See how many enabled players there are in the mission (chosen to be played by anyone on mission start) |
Integer | |
- |
StatUnitCount See how many units player has alive |
aPlayer: Integer; | Integer |
- |
StatUnitKilledCount See how many units player has killed |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; |
Integer |
- |
StatUnitLostCount See how many units player has lost |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; |
Integer |
- |
StatUnitTypeCount See how many units of certain type player has alive |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; |
Integer |
5606 |
StatWaresBalance See how many wares player has at the moment |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer |
5606 |
StatWaresProduced See how many wares were produced by the player |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer |
8785 |
StatWaresProducedValue Get total value of all wares produced by player |
aPlayer: Integer; | Integer |
-6683 |
SysRandom ❌ Removed Method was removed, use Utils.Random instead |
Single | |
-6683 |
SysRandomI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use Utils.RandomI instead |
aMax: Integer; | Integer |
14250 |
TerrainObjectState Get the state of the terrain object If there's no object - default state of 0 is returned |
aX, aY: Integer; aCoord: Byte; |
Byte |
- |
UnitAt Return UID of the unit on requested coordinates |
aX, aY: Word; | Integer |
- |
UnitCarryCount See how many wares that unit (porter or wagon) is carrying |
aUnitID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; |
Integer |
- |
UnitCarryType See ware type that unit (porter or wagon) is carrying |
aUnitID: Integer; | TKMWareType |
15556 |
UnitDamageMax Returns maximum damage of a unit. 0 if unit can not deal damage. -1 if there's no such unit |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
15556 |
UnitDamageMin Returns minimum damage of a unit. 0 if unit can not deal damage. -1 if there's no such unit |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
UnitDead Check if unit is dead |
aUnitID: Integer; | Boolean |
- |
UnitDirection See unit facing direction (0 .. 7) -1 if direction is uninitialized |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
4829 |
UnitGroup Return UID of a group to which requested Unit belongs |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
14497 |
UnitHitpoints See current unit hitpoints |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
14497 |
UnitHitpointsMax See maximum unit hitpoints |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
6692 |
UnitHunger See unit hunger condition in seconds remaining till death Result within 0 and 2700 (45min) |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
6692 |
UnitHungerLow Return fullness level of a unit when it becomes hungry, in seconds |
Integer | |
6692 |
UnitHungerMax Return maximum fullness level of a unit, in seconds |
Integer | |
14492 |
UnitInHouse Returns HouseID in which the Unit is now, -1 if Unit not found 0 if Unit is not in any house |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
UnitOwner See unit owner hand |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
UnitPositionX Get rounded unit position X -1 if unit does not exist |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
- |
UnitPositionY Get rounded unit position Y -1 if unit does not exist |
aUnitID: Integer; | Integer |
12430 |
UnitsAt Return UIDs of the units within requested coordinates For convenience, bounds can exceed map coordinates without generating an error |
aX1: Integer; aY1: Integer; aX2: Integer; aY2: Integer; |
TKMIntegerArray |
- |
UnitType See unit type |
aUnitID: Integer; | TKMUnitType |
15658 |
UnitTypeName Returns unit type name as used in the game engine Intended to be used for debug purposes |
aUnitType: TKMUnitType; | string |
15658 |
WareTypeName Returns ware type name as used in the game engine Intended to be used for debug purposes |
aWareType: TKMWareType; | string |