Demo/test android app for libcimbar. Copy files over the cell phone camera!
参考《自己动手写 docker》从零开始实现一个简易的 docker 以及相关教程。Build a simple Docker from scratch along with related tutorials.
A high-performance storage engine for modern hardware and platforms.
🐸 Grogudb is a KV Database designed for fast write/scan heavy workloads.
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
CouloyDB is a storage engine that strikes a balance between performance and storage costs.
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
gopherWxf / tinykv
Forked from talent-plan/tinykvdistributed key-value service
A cloud-native open-source unified multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud platform. 开源、云原生的多云管理及混合云融合平台
Tutorial for TinyKV project in Talent Plan.
A Golang implemented Redis Server and Cluster. Go 语言实现的 Redis 服务器和分布式集群
Easy to use distributed event bus similar to Kafka