We encourage you to use it and report back any issues and improvements you may have. That is what open source is all about. 🥳
We currently have the following maintainers:
- Calvin Wilkinson
(GitHub Organization / Owner)
- Kristen Wilkinson
(GitHub Organization / Documentation Maintainer / Tester)
KDActionUtils encourages and uses Early Pull Requests. Please don't wait until you're finished with your work before creating a PR.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch following the feature branch section in the documentation here.
- Add an empty commit to the new feature branch to start your work off.
- Use this git command:
git commit --allow-empty -m "start work for issue #<issue-number-here>"
. - Example:
git commit --allow-empty -m "start work for issue #123"
- Use this git command:
- Once you've pushed a commit, open a draft pull request. Do this before you actually start working.
- Make your commits in small, incremental steps with clear descriptions.
- All unit tests must pass before a PR will be completed.
- Make sure that the code follows the the coding standards.
- Pay attention to the warnings in Visual Studio!!
- Refer to the .editorconfig files in the code base for rules.
- Tag a maintainer when you're done and ask for a review!
If you have any questions, please reach out to a project maintainer.
- The code base is highly tested by using unit tests while maintaining a high level of code coverage. Manual testing is performed using the included testing application built specifically for manually testing the library. When contributing, make sure to add or adjust the unit tests appropriately regarding your changes and perform manual testing.
- We use a combination of StyleCop and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers libraries for maintaining coding standards.
- We understand that there are some exceptions to the rule and not all coding standards fit every situation. In these scenarios, contact a maintainer and lets discuss it!! Warnings can always be suppressed if need be.
- We use semantic versioning 2.0 for versioning.
- Branching model below.