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This library is still under development and is not at v1.0.0 yet!! However, all of the major features are available, so we encourage you to use the project and provide feedback. That is what open source is all about. 🥳
[TODO: add about section]
[TODO: add feature section. If not, remove the entire section]
Interested in contributing? If so, click here to learn how to contribute your time or here if you are interested in contributing your funds via a one-time or recurring donation.
Calvin Wilkinson (KinsonDigital GitHub Organization - Owner)
Kristen Wilkinson (KinsonDigital GitHub Organization - Project Management, Documentation, Tester)
](https://github.com/KinsonDigital/[TODO: add repo name]/blob/release/v1.0.0/LICENSE.md)
This software is distributed under the very permissive MIT license and all dependencies are distributed under MIT-compatible licenses. This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community.