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本站採用 VuePress 1.x 搭建,開發之前須安裝 Node.js 10(含)以上版本,我哋而家推薦用 Node.js 14。
This site is powered by VuePress 1.x. Please install Node.js 10 or above before development, we now recommend Node.js 14.
裝完 Node.js 之後,建議安裝並使用 yarn 來裝項目嘅依賴包:
After installing Node.js, it is recommended to install yarn for the dependency installation:
npm install -g yarn
Then run the following command to prepare for development:
git clone [email protected]:JyutdictEB/
Run the following command to debug locally:
yarn dev
搞掂之後 Commit & Push 上來就得!
Once that's done, just Commit & Push!
若果你唔係我哋 JyutdictEB 嘅成員,你都可以創建 Pull Requests 來幫手改嘢,或者直接喺 Issues 度提意見。
If you are not a member of our JyutdictEB team, you can also create Pull Requests to help with changes, or comment directly in Issues.