Krylov v0.9.5
Merged pull requests:
- [documentation] AMDGPU.jl supports rocSPARSE (#781) (@amontoison)
- [MINARES] Fix warm-start (#794) (@amontoison)
- Fix a typo in test/gpu/amd.jl (#796) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Update the section about AMD GPUs (#798) (@amontoison)
- Improve the function hermitian_lanczos (#799) (@amontoison)
- Block-Krylov processes (#800) (@amontoison)
- Add an option reorthogonalization for two processes (#803) (@amontoison)
- Update the pseudocode of the Krylov processes (#805) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Explain the transpose-free variant of the non-Hermitian Lanczos process (#807) (@amontoison)
- Update paper.md (#809) (@danielskatz)
- Fix the issue with the adjoint in JOSS (#810) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Update Documenter.jl (#811) (@amontoison)
- Update Krylov processes to return more arguments (#813) (@amontoison)
- [JOSS] Update CITATION.cff and DOI badge (#815) (@amontoison)
- [JOSS] Add a BibTeX entry (#817) (@amontoison)
- Update CITATION.cff (#818) (@amontoison)
- Add a DOI link for CAR and MINARES (#820) (@amontoison)
- Test view of AMD GPUs (#823) (@amontoison)
- Update pipeline.yml (#829) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Add a reference for CRAIG (#834) (@amontoison)
- Add compat entries for Test and Random (#835) (@amontoison)
- Add an implementation of BLOCK-GMRES (#840) (@amontoison)
- Release 0.9.5 (#841) (@amontoison)
Closed issues:
- [documentation] Update GPU support (#627)
- Solve matrix-matrix problem (#759)
- Add an option reorthogonalization for the processes (#801)
- Question for GPU computation: lots of time on vector products (#822)
- Automatically promote
(#828) - Move Block-GMRES in Krylov.jl (#831)
- Add a reference for CRAIG (#833)