Krylov v0.9.10
Merged pull requests:
- Use my new implementation of coytrito! in GPUArrays.jl (#950) (@amontoison)
- Use similar for dynamic allocations (#952) (@amontoison)
- [CI] Test Krylov.jl on Linux ARM (#953) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Add an example with BlockArrays.jl (#954) (@amontoison)
- Add an option reorthogonalization in hermitian_lanczos (#957) (@amontoison)
- CR: Update iterate on first iteration for negative curvature with line search and when zero curvature is detected (#958) (@farhadrclass)
- Add more tests for the option warm-start (#961) (@amontoison)
Closed issues:
- Compatibility with BlockArrays (#605)
- [Benchmarks] Krylov.jl vs PETSc (#693)
- ComponentArrays support (#769)
- parallel gmres (#847)
- Add stationary methods (#904)
- scalar indexing error when using block_gmres on GPU (#913)
- How to solve Ax=b when A is a Sparse Array ? (#925)
- Add more advanced constructors for KrylovSolver (#933)
- Add a opnorm function (#942)
- [documentation] Add an example of preconditioned saddle point system with BlockArrays (#949)
- Use similar instead of S(undef, n) for dynamic allocations (#951)