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Update test_solvers.jl
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amontoison committed Oct 11, 2022
1 parent 38bfc22 commit 8a2978b
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Showing 4 changed files with 148 additions and 1,201 deletions.
52 changes: 16 additions & 36 deletions src/krylov_solvers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GmresSolver, FomSolver, GpmrSolver, FgmresSolver
export solve!, solution, nsolution, statistics, issolved, issolved_primal, issolved_dual,
niterations, Aprod, Atprod, Bprod, warm_start!

import Base.size, Base.sizeof
import Base.size, Base.sizeof, Base.format_bytes

const KRYLOV_SOLVERS = Dict(
:cg => :CgSolver ,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1895,40 +1895,18 @@ function ksizeof(attribute)
return size_attribute

function sizeof(solver :: KrylovSolver)
workspace = typeof(solver)
nfields = fieldcount(workspace)
function sizeof(stats_solver :: Union{KrylovStats, KrylovSolver})
type = typeof(stats_solver)
nfields = fieldcount(type)
storage = 0
for i = 1:nfields-1
field_i = getfield(solver, i)
for i = 1:nfields
field_i = getfield(stats_solver, i)
size_i = ksizeof(field_i)
storage += size_i
return storage

function val_metric(val::Int)
metric = "bytes"
if val 1024
val /= 1024
metric = "KB"
if val 1024
val /= 1024
metric = "MB"
if val 1024
val /= 1024
metric = "GB"
if val 1024
val /= 1024
metric = "TB"
val = round(val, digits=2)
return string(val, " ", metric)

show(io, solver; show_stats=true)
Expand All @@ -1937,30 +1915,32 @@ Statistics of `solver` are displayed if `show_stats` is set to true.
function show(io :: IO, solver :: KrylovSolver{T,FC,S}; show_stats :: Bool=true) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}, S <: DenseVector{FC}}
workspace = typeof(solver)
name_solver = string(
name_stats = string(typeof(solver.stats)
nbytes = sizeof(solver)
storage = val_metric(nbytes)
storage = format_bytes(nbytes)
architecture = S <: Vector ? "CPU" : "GPU"
l1 = max(length(name_solver) + 8, length(string(FC)) + 11) # length("solver: ") = 8 and length("Precision: ") = 11
l1 = max(length(name_solver), length(string(FC)) + 11) # length("Precision: ") = 11
l2 = max(ndigits(solver.m) + 7, length(architecture) + 14, length(string(S)) + 8) # length("Vector{}") = 8, # length("Architecture: ") = 14 and length("nrows: ") = 7
l3 = max(ndigits(solver.n) + 7, length(storage) + 9, 13) # length("Size in bytes") = 13, length("Storage: ") = 9 and length("cols: ") = 7
l2 = max(l2, length(name_stats) + 2 + length(string(T))) # length("{}") = 2
l3 = max(ndigits(solver.n) + 7, length(storage) + 9) # length("Storage: ") = 9 and length("cols: ") = 7
format = Printf.Format("│%$(l1)s│%$(l2)s│%$(l3)s│\n")
format2 = Printf.Format("│%$(l1+1)s│%$(l2)s│%$(l3)s│\n")
@printf(io, "┌%s┬%s┬%s┐\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "Solver: $(name_solver)", "nrows: $(solver.m)", "ncols: $(solver.n)")
Printf.format(io, format, "$(name_solver)", "nrows: $(solver.m)", "ncols: $(solver.n)")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "Precision: $FC", "Architecture: $architecture","Storage: $storage")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "Attribute", "Type", "Size in bytes")
Printf.format(io, format, "Attribute", "Type", "Size")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
for i=1:fieldcount(workspace)-1 # show stats seperately
for i=1:fieldcount(workspace)
name_i = fieldname(workspace, i)
type_i = fieldtype(workspace, i)
field_i = getfield(solver, name_i)
size_i = ksizeof(field_i)
if (name_i in [:w̅, :w̄, :d̅]) && (VERSION < v"1.8.0-DEV")
Printf.format(io, format2, string(name_i), type_i, size_i)
Printf.format(io, format2, string(name_i), type_i, format_bytes(size_i))
Printf.format(io, format, string(name_i), type_i, size_i)
Printf.format(io, format, string(name_i), type_i, format_bytes(size_i))
@printf(io, "└%s┴%s┴%s┘\n",""^l1,""^l2,""^l3)
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/krylov_stats.jl
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
export KrylovStats, SimpleStats, LsmrStats, LanczosStats, LanczosShiftStats,
SymmlqStats, AdjointStats, LNLQStats, LSLQStats

"Abstract type for statistics returned by a solver"
abstract type KrylovStats{T} end

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/minres.jl
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Expand Up @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ function minres!(solver :: MinresSolver{T,FC,S}, A, b :: AbstractVector{FC};

if iter == 1 && β / β₁ 10 * ϵM
# Aᴴb = 0 so x = 0 is a minimum least-squares solution
stats.niter = 0
stats.niter = 1
stats.solved, stats.inconsistent = true, true
stats.status = "x is a minimum least-squares solution"
solver.warm_start = false
Expand Down

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