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daanhb committed Jan 25, 2025
1 parent a8db302 commit c963e64
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Showing 10 changed files with 656 additions and 671 deletions.
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions src/FunctionMaps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ export composedmap
# from generic/product.jl
export productmap

# from types/basic.jl
# from concrete/basic.jl
export IdentityMap,
StaticIdentityMap, VectorIdentityMap,
ZeroMap, UnityMap, ConstantMap,
isconstantmap, mapconstant
# from types/affine.jl
# from concrete/affine
export AffineMap, Translation, LinearMap,
affinematrix, affinevector,
islinearmap, isaffinemap
Expand All @@ -50,9 +50,13 @@ include("generic/jacobian.jl")

105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions src/concrete/affine/abstractaffine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@

AbstractAffineMap{T} <: Map{T}
An affine map has the general form `y = A*x + b`.
We use `affinematrix(m)` and `affinevector(m)` to denote `A` and `b`
respectively. Concrete subtypes include linear maps of the form `y = A*x`
and translations of the form `y = x + b`.
See also: [`affinematrix`](@ref), [`affinevector`](@ref).
abstract type AbstractAffineMap{T} <: Map{T} end

unsafe_matrix(m::AbstractAffineMap) = m.A
unsafe_vector(m::AbstractAffineMap) = m.b

"Return the matrix `A` in the affine map `Ax+b`."
affinematrix(m::AbstractAffineMap) = to_matrix(domaintype(m), unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))

"Return the vector `b` in the affine map `Ax+b`."
affinevector(m::AbstractAffineMap) = to_vector(domaintype(m), unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))

applymap(m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = _affine_applymap(m, x, unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_applymap(m, x, A, b) = A*x + b

applymap!(y, m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = _affine_applymap!(y, m, x, unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
function _affine_applymap!(y, m, x, A, b)
mul!(y, A, x)
y .+= b

isrealmap(m::AbstractAffineMap) = _affine_isrealmap(m, unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_isrealmap(m, A, b) = isrealmap(A) && isreal(b)

jacobian(m::AbstractAffineMap{T}) where {T} = ConstantMap{T}(affinematrix(m))
jacobian(m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = affinematrix(m)

jacdet(m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = _affine_jacdet(m, x, unsafe_matrix(m))
_affine_jacdet(m, x, A) = det(A)
_affine_jacdet(m, x::Number, A::UniformScaling) = A.λ
_affine_jacdet(m, x::AbstractVector, A::Number) = A^length(x)
_affine_jacdet(m, x::AbstractVector, A::UniformScaling) = A.λ^length(x)

function diffvolume(m::AbstractAffineMap{T}) where T
J = jacobian(m)
c = sqrt(det(affinevector(J)'*affinevector(J)))

Is `m` a linear map?
islinearmap(m) = false
islinearmap(m::AbstractAffineMap) = _affine_islinearmap(m, unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_islinearmap(m, b) = all(b .== 0)

Is `m` an affine map?
If `m` is affine, then it has the form `m(x) = A*x+b`.
See also: [`affinematrix`](@ref), [`affinevector`](@ref).
isaffinemap(m) = false
isaffinemap(m::Map) = islinearmap(m) || isconstantmap(m)
isaffinemap(m::AbstractAffineMap) = true

isequalmap(m1::AbstractAffineMap, m2::AbstractAffineMap) =
affinematrix(m1) == affinematrix(m2) && affinevector(m1) == affinevector(m2)

isequalmap(m1::AbstractAffineMap, m2::IdentityMap) =
islinearmap(m1) && affinematrix(m1) == affinematrix(m2)
isequalmap(m1::IdentityMap, m2::AbstractAffineMap) = isequalmap(m2, m1)

map_hash(m::AbstractAffineMap, h::UInt) = hashrec("AbstractAffineMap", affinematrix(m), affinevector(m), h)

mapsize(m::AbstractAffineMap) = _affine_mapsize(m, domaintype(m), unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::AbstractArray, b) = size(A)
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector) = (length(A),)
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::Number, b::Number) = ()
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::Number, b::AbstractVector) = (length(b),length(b))
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::UniformScaling, b::Number) = ()
_affine_mapsize(m, T, A::UniformScaling, b) = (length(b),length(b))

Display.displaystencil(m::AbstractAffineMap) = vcat(["x -> "], map_stencil(m, 'x'))
show(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", m::AbstractAffineMap) = composite_show(io, mime, m)

map_stencil(m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = _affine_map_stencil(m, x, unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_map_stencil(m, x, A, b) = [A, " * ", x, " + ", b]
_affine_map_stencil(m, x, A, b::Real) =
b >= 0 ? [A, " * ", x, " + ", b] : [A, " * ", x, " - ", abs(b)]

map_stencil_broadcast(m::AbstractAffineMap, x) = _affine_map_stencil_broadcast(m, x, unsafe_matrix(m), unsafe_vector(m))
_affine_map_stencil_broadcast(m, x, A, b) = [A, " .* ", x, " .+ ", b]
_affine_map_stencil_broadcast(m, x, A::Number, b) = [A, " * ", x, " .+ ", b]

map_object_parentheses(m::AbstractAffineMap) = true
map_stencil_parentheses(m::AbstractAffineMap) = true
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/concrete/affine/affine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
AffineMap{T} <: AbstractAffineMap{T}
The supertype of all affine maps that store `A` and `b`.
Concrete subtypes differ in how `A` and `b` are represented.
abstract type AffineMap{T} <: AbstractAffineMap{T} end

AffineMap(A, b)
Return an affine map with an appropriate concrete type depending on the arguments
`A` and `b`.
# Examples
julia> AffineMap(2, 3)
x -> 2 * x + 3
AffineMap(A::Number, b::Number) = ScalarAffineMap(A, b)
AffineMap(A::StaticMatrix, b::StaticVector) = StaticAffineMap(A, b)
AffineMap(A::Matrix, b::Vector) = VectorAffineMap(A, b)
AffineMap(A::UniformScaling{Bool}, b::Number) = ScalarAffineMap(one(b), b)
AffineMap(A, b) = GenericAffineMap(A, b)

AffineMap{T}(A::Number, b::Number) where {T<:Number} = ScalarAffineMap{T}(A, b)
AffineMap{T}(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) where {N,S,T<:SVector{N,S}} = StaticAffineMap{S,N}(A, b)
AffineMap{T}(A::Matrix, b::Vector) where {S,T<:Vector{S}} = VectorAffineMap{S}(A, b)
AffineMap{T}(A::UniformScaling{Bool}, b::Number) where {T} = ScalarAffineMap{T}(one(T), b)
AffineMap{T}(A, b) where {T} = GenericAffineMap{T}(A, b)

similarmap(m::AffineMap, ::Type{T}) where {T} = AffineMap{T}(m.A, m.b)

convert(::Type{AffineMap}, m) = (@assert isaffinemap(m); AffineMap(affinematrix(m), affinevector(m)))
convert(::Type{AffineMap{T}}, m) where {T} = (@assert isaffinemap(m); AffineMap{T}(affinematrix(m), affinevector(m)))
# avoid ambiguity errors with convert(::Type{T}, x::T) in Base:
convert(::Type{AffineMap}, m::AffineMap) = m
convert(::Type{AffineMap{T}}, m::AffineMap{T}) where T = m

# If y = A*x+b, then x = inv(A)*(y-b) = inv(A)*y - inv(A)*b
inverse(m::AffineMap) = (@assert issquaremap(m); AffineMap(inv(m.A), -inv(m.A)*m.b))
inverse(m::AffineMap, x) = (@assert issquaremap(m); m.A \ (x-m.b))

function leftinverse(m::AffineMap)
@assert isoverdetermined(m)
pA = matrix_pinv(m.A)
AffineMap(pA, -pA*m.b)
function rightinverse(m::AffineMap)
@assert isunderdetermined(m)
pA = matrix_pinv(m.A)
AffineMap(pA, -pA*m.b)
function leftinverse(m::AffineMap, x)
@assert isoverdetermined(m)
m.A \ (x-m.b)
function rightinverse(m::AffineMap, x)
@assert isunderdetermined(m)
m.A \ (x-m.b)

"An affine map for any combination of types of `A` and `b`."
struct GenericAffineMap{T,AA,B} <: AffineMap{T}
A :: AA
b :: B

GenericAffineMap(A, b) = GenericAffineMap{typeof(b)}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::AbstractVector{S}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {S,T} =
GenericAffineMap{promote_type(S,T)}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::AbstractArray{S}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {S,T} =
GenericAffineMap{Vector{promote_type(S,T)}}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::StaticMatrix{M,N,S}, b::StaticVector{M,T}) where {M,N,S,T} =
GenericAffineMap{SVector{N,promote_type(S,T)}}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::StaticMatrix{M,N,S}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {M,N,S,T} =
GenericAffineMap{SVector{N,promote_type(S,T)}}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::S, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {S<:Number,T} =
GenericAffineMap{Vector{promote_type(S,T)}}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::S, b::StaticVector{N,T}) where {S<:Number,N,T} =
GenericAffineMap{SVector{N,promote_type(S,T)}}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap(A::UniformScaling{Bool}, b) =
GenericAffineMap(UniformScaling{eltype(b)}(1), b)

# Fallback routine for generic A and b, special cases follow
GenericAffineMap{T}(A, b) where {T} = GenericAffineMap{T,typeof(A),typeof(b)}(A, b)

GenericAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractVector{S}, b::AbstractVector{U}) where {T<:Number,S,U} =
GenericAffineMap{T}(convert(AbstractVector{T}, A), convert(AbstractVector{T}, b))
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractVector{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:Number} =
GenericAffineMap{T,typeof(A),typeof(b)}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::Number, b) where {T} = GenericAffineMap{T,eltype(T),typeof(b)}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::Number, b::AbstractVector) where {N,S,T <: StaticVector{N,S}} =
GenericAffineMap{T,S,SVector{N,S}}(A, b)
# Promote element types of abstract arrays
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractArray, b::AbstractVector) where {S,T<:AbstractVector{S}} =
GenericAffineMap{T}(convert(AbstractArray{eltype(T)},A), convert(AbstractVector{eltype(T)}, b))
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractArray{S}, b::AbstractVector{S}) where {S,T<:AbstractVector{S}} =
GenericAffineMap{T,typeof(A),typeof(b)}(A, b)
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::UniformScaling{Bool}, b::AbstractVector) where {S,T<:AbstractVector{S}} =
GenericAffineMap{T}(A*one(S), convert(AbstractVector{S}, b))
GenericAffineMap{T}(A::UniformScaling{S}, b::AbstractVector{S}) where {S,T<:AbstractVector{S}} =
GenericAffineMap{T,typeof(A),typeof(b)}(A, b)

similarmap(m::GenericAffineMap, ::Type{T}) where {T} = AffineMap{T}(m.A, m.b)

convert(::Type{GenericAffineMap{T}}, m::GenericAffineMap) where {T} =
GenericAffineMap{T}(m.A, m.b)

"An affine map with scalar representation."
struct ScalarAffineMap{T} <: AffineMap{T}
A :: T
b :: T

ScalarAffineMap(A, b) = ScalarAffineMap(promote(A, b)...)

isrealmap(m::ScalarAffineMap{T}) where {T} = isrealtype(T)

show(io::IO, m::ScalarAffineMap) = show_scalar_affine_map(io, m.A, m.b)
show_scalar_affine_map(io, A::Real, b::Real) = print(io, "x -> $(A) * x", b < 0 ? " - " : " + ", abs(b))
show_scalar_affine_map(io, A::Complex, b::Complex) = print(io, "x -> ($(A)) * x + ", b)
show_scalar_affine_map(io, A, b) = print(io, "x -> ($(A)) * x + $(b)")

convert(::Type{ScalarAffineMap{T}}, m::ScalarAffineMap) where {T} =
ScalarAffineMap{T}(m.A, m.b)

"An affine map with array and vector representation."
struct VectorAffineMap{T} <: AffineMap{Vector{T}}
A :: Matrix{T}
b :: Vector{T}

VectorAffineMap(A::AbstractArray{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} =
VectorAffineMap{T}(A, b)
function VectorAffineMap(A::AbstractArray{S}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {S,T}
U = promote_type(S,T)
VectorAffineMap(convert(AbstractArray{U}, A), convert(AbstractVector{U}, b))

convert(::Type{VectorAffineMap{T}}, m::VectorAffineMap) where {T} =
VectorAffineMap{T}(m.A, m.b)

"An affine map with representation using static arrays."
struct StaticAffineMap{T,N,M,L} <: AffineMap{SVector{N,T}}
A :: SMatrix{M,N,T,L}
b :: SVector{M,T}

# Constructors:
# - first, we deduce T
StaticAffineMap(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} =
StaticAffineMap{T}(A, b)
function StaticAffineMap(A::AbstractMatrix{S}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {S,T}
U = promote_type(S,T)
StaticAffineMap(convert(AbstractMatrix{U}, A), convert(AbstractVector{U}, b))

StaticAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) where {T} =
StaticAffineMap{T}(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A), convert(AbstractVector{T}, b))

# - then, we determine N and/or M, from the arguments
function StaticAffineMap{T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, b::StaticVector{M,T}) where {T,M}
@assert size(A) == (M,M)
StaticAffineMap{T,M,M}(A, b)
StaticAffineMap{T}(A::StaticMatrix{M,N,T}, b::AbstractVector) where {T,N,M} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N,M}(A, b)
StaticAffineMap{T}(A::StaticMatrix{M,N,T}, b::StaticVector{M,T}) where {T,N,M} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N,M}(A, b)
# line below catches ambiguity error
StaticAffineMap{T}(A::StaticMatrix{M1,N,T}, b::StaticVector{M2,T}) where {T,N,M1,M2} =
throw(ArgumentError("Non-matching dimensions"))
StaticAffineMap{T,N}(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) where {T,N} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N,N}(A, b)
StaticAffineMap{T,N}(A::StaticMatrix{M,N}, b::AbstractVector) where {T,N,M} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N,M}(A, b)

# - finally invoke the constructor (and implicitly convert the data if necessary)
StaticAffineMap{T,N,M}(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) where {T,N,M} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N,M,M*N}(A, b)

convert(::Type{Map{SVector{N,T}}}, m::VectorAffineMap) where {N,T} =
StaticAffineMap{T,N}(m.A, m.b)

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@daanhb daanhb commented on c963e64 Jan 25, 2025

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