ApproxFunBase v0.9.7
Merged pull requests:
- Call BandedBlockBandedMatrix directly in SubOperator RaggedMatrix (#524) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Call BandedBlockBandedMatrix directly in SubOperator Ragged… (#525) (@jishnub)
- Improve inference in normalized space derivative (#526) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Improve inference in normalized space derivative (#527) (@jishnub)
- Remove opt0 in downstream tests (#528) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Remove opt0 in downstream tests (#530) (@jishnub)
- Reduce allocations in symmetric eigen (#532) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Reduce allocations in symmetric eigen (#534) (@jishnub)
- Fix coefficients for ProductFun (#535) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Fix coefficients for ProductFun (#536) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Trigger CI on push to backport branches (#537) (@jishnub)
- Promote rangespace/domainspace of Conversion (#538) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Promote rangespace/domainspace of Conversion (#539) (@jishnub)
- Tests for Conversion space promotion (#540) (@jishnub)
- TensorSpace in ProductFun constructor (#541) (@jishnub)
- Fix Matrix constructors (#542) (@jishnub)
- Backport: TensorSpace in ProductFun constructor (#543) (@jishnub)
- Revert ProductFun space promotion (#544) (@jishnub)
- Don't unwrap Conversion (#545) (@jishnub)
- Backport: Don't unwrap conversion (#546) (@jishnub)
- Fix ProductFun constructor ambiguity (#547) (@jishnub)