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Move over TwoBandJacobi (#82)
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* Move over TwoBandJacobi

* Update Project.toml

* work on tests

* fix tests

* Update Project.toml

* Update Project.toml

* two band tests

* BandedMatrices v1
  • Loading branch information
dlfivefifty authored Oct 3, 2023
1 parent 311e6fa commit 85a1f06
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Showing 13 changed files with 627 additions and 601 deletions.
36 changes: 19 additions & 17 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "AlgebraicCurveOrthogonalPolynomials"
uuid = "b2d6dd58-be48-4100-8375-7f7d22241ed8"
authors = ["Sheehan Olver <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.0.1"
version = "0.0.2"

ArrayLayouts = "4c555306-a7a7-4459-81d9-ec55ddd5c99a"
Expand All @@ -27,32 +27,34 @@ MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials = "4f6956fd-4f93-5457-9149-7bfc4b2ce06d"
QuasiArrays = "c4ea9172-b204-11e9-377d-29865faadc5c"
SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "291c01f3-23f6-4eb6-aeb0-063a639b53f2"
SemiseparableMatrices = "f8ebbe35-cbfb-4060-bf7f-b10e4670cf57"
SingularIntegrals = "d7440221-8b5e-42fc-909c-0567823f424a"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"

ArrayLayouts = "0.8, 1"
BandedMatrices = "0.17"
ArrayLayouts = "1.4.2"
BandedMatrices = "0.17, 1"
BlockArrays = "0.16"
BlockBandedMatrices = "0.11, 0.12"
ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.7, 0.8, 0.9"
ContinuumArrays = "0.12"
BlockBandedMatrices = "0.12"
ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.11"
ContinuumArrays = "0.16"
DomainSets = "0.5, 0.6"
FastGaussQuadrature = "0.4.3, 0.5"
FastTransforms = "0.13, 0.14, 0.15"
FastGaussQuadrature = "0.5"
FastTransforms = "0.15"
FillArrays = "0.13, 1"
ForwardDiff = "0.10.12"
HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.4"
InfiniteArrays = "0.12, 0.13"
InfiniteLinearAlgebra = "0.6"
HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.5"
InfiniteArrays = "0.13"
InfiniteLinearAlgebra = "0.7.1"
Infinities = "0.1"
LazyArrays = "0.22.9, 1"
LazyBandedMatrices = "0.8"
MatrixFactorizations = "0.9, 1"
MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.4.1"
QuasiArrays = "0.9, 0.10"
SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.3"
LazyArrays = "1.8.1"
LazyBandedMatrices = "0.9"
MatrixFactorizations = "2"
MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.6"
QuasiArrays = "0.11"
SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials = "0.5"
SemiseparableMatrices = "0.3"
SingularIntegrals = "0.2"
SpecialFunctions = "1, 2"
StaticArrays = "1"
julia = "1.7"
Expand Down
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions examples/equilibriummeasure.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
using SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials, ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials, ForwardDiff, Plots, StaticArrays
import ForwardDiff: derivative, jacobian, Dual
import SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: Weighted
import ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: associated, affine

Base.floatmin(::Type{Dual{T,V,N}}) where {T,V,N} = Dual{T,V,N}(floatmin(V))
Base.big(d::Dual{T,V,N}) where {T,V,N} = Dual{T}(big(d.value), ForwardDiff.Partials(map(big,d.partials.values)))

# We first do a single interval.
# Equilibrium measures for a symmetric potential
# with one interval of support
# a measure w(x) supported on
# [-b,b]
# such that
# 1. H*w == V'
# 2. sum(w) == 1
# 3. w is bounded
# rescaling x == b*t these becomes find
# a measure w̃(t) supported on
# [-1,1]
# such that
# 1. H*w̃ == V'(b*t)
# 2. sum(w̃) == 1/b
# 3. w is bounded
# Note (1) and (2) can always be satisfied
# thus the constraint comes from (3).
# The following gives the evaluation of the
# unweighted-component of the measure evaluated
# at (a,b)

V = x -> x^2
function equilibriumcoefficients(T, b)
U = associated(T)
W = Weighted(T)
t = axes(W,1)
H = @. inv(t - t')
= U \H*W
[1/(b*sum(W[:,1])); 2H̃[:,2:end] \ ( U \ derivative.(V, b*t))]
function equilibriumendpointvalue(b::Number)
T = ChebyshevT{typeof(b)}()
dot(T[end,:], equilibriumcoefficients(T,b))

function equilibrium(b::Number)
T = ChebyshevT{typeof(b)}()
U = ChebyshevU{typeof(b)}()
# convert to Weighted(U) to make value at ±b accurate
Weighted(U)[affine(-b..b,axes(T,1)),:] * ((Weighted(T) \ Weighted(U))[3:end,:] \ equilibriumcoefficients(T,b)[3:end])

μ = equilibrium(sqrt(2))

T = Chebyshev()
b = sqrt(2)
μ = Weighted(T) * equilibriumcoefficients(T, b)
x = axes(μ,1)


xx = 0.7; 2b*(log.(abs.(x .- x'))*μ)[xx] - V(b*xx)

b = 1.0 # initial guess
for _ = 1:10
b -= derivative(equilibriumendpointvalue,b) \ equilibriumendpointvalue(b)


# Equilibrium measures for a symmetric potential
# with two intervals of support consists of finding
# a measure w(x) supported on
# [-b,-a] ∪ [a,b]
# such that
# 1. H*w == V'
# 2. sum(w) == 1
# 3. w is bounded
# rescaling x == b*t these becomes find
# a measure w̃(t) supported on
# [-1,-a/b] ∪ [a/b,1]
# such that
# 1. H*w̃ == V'(b*t)
# 2. sum(w̃) == 1/b
# 3. w is bounded
# Note (1) and (2) can always be satisfied
# thus the two constraints come from (3).
# The following gives the evaluation of the
# unweighted-component of the measure evaluated
# at (a,b)
V = x -> x^4 - 10x^2
function equilibriumcoefficients(P,a,b)
W = Weighted(P)
Q = associated(P)
t = axes(W,1)
x = axes(Q,1)
H = @. inv(x - t')
= Q \ H*W
[1/(b*sum(W[:,1])); 2H̃[:,2:end] \( Q \ derivative.(V, b*x))]
function equilibriumendpointvalues(ab::SVector{2})
a,b = ab
# orthogonal polynomials w.r.t.
# abs(x) / (sqrt(1-x^2) * sqrt(x^2 - ρ^2))
P = TwoBandJacobi(a/b, -one(a)/2, -one(a)/2, one(a)/2)
Vector(P[[a/b,1],:] * equilibriumcoefficients(P,a,b))

function equilibrium(ab)
a,b = ab
P = TwoBandJacobi(a/b, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2)
Weighted(P) * equilibriumcoefficients(P,a,b)

ab = SVector(2.,3.)
ab -= jacobian(equilibriumendpointvalues,ab) \ equilibriumendpointvalues(ab)
a,b = ab
xx = range(-4,4;length=1000)
μ = equilibrium(ab)
μx = x -> a < abs(x) < b ? μ[x/b] : 0.0
plot!(xx, μx.(xx))


17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions examples/idealfluidflow_2_plates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials, ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials, LinearAlgebra
import ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: associated

ρ = 0.5
T = TwoBandJacobi(ρ,-1/2,-1/2,1/2)
U = associated(T)
x = axes(T,1)
H = inv.(x .- x')

L = U \ (H * Weighted(T))
c = L[:,2:∞] \ (U \ x)
c[1] = -c[2]

u = Weighted(T) * c

19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions src/AlgebraicCurveOrthogonalPolynomials.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,21 +6,24 @@ using FastGaussQuadrature, FastTransforms, SpecialFunctions, LinearAlgebra, Bloc
import ForwardDiff: jacobian
import ForwardDiff: jacobian, Dual, gradient, value, partials
import FillArrays: SquareEye
import LinearAlgebra: eigvals, eigen, isapprox, SymTridiagonal, norm, factorize
import LinearAlgebra: eigvals, eigen, isapprox, norm, factorize
import FastGaussQuadrature: jacobimoment
import QuasiArrays: DefaultQuasiArrayStyle, cardinality, LazyQuasiArrayStyle
import Base: in, axes, getindex, broadcasted, tail, +, -, *, /, \, convert, OneTo, show, summary, ==, oneto, diff
import ContinuumArrays: Weight, grid, ℵ₁, ℵ₀, @simplify, ProjectionFactorization, plan_grid_transform, unweighted, weight
import ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: checkpoints, ShuffledR2HC, TransformFactorization, ldiv, paddeddata, jacobimatrix, orthogonalityweight, SetindexInterlace
import Base: in, axes, getindex, broadcasted, tail, +, -, *, /, \, convert, OneTo, show, summary, ==, oneto, diff, copy, sum, size, axes
import ContinuumArrays: Weight, grid, ℵ₁, ℵ₀, @simplify, ProjectionFactorization, plan_grid_transform, unweighted, weight, transform_ldiv
import ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: checkpoints, ShuffledR2HC, TransformFactorization, ldiv, paddeddata, jacobimatrix, orthogonalityweight, SetindexInterlace, WeightedBasis, HalfWeighted, plotgrid, golubwelsch, recurrencecoefficients
import MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials: BlockOneTo, ModalInterlace, BlockRange1, Plan, ModalTrav
import BlockArrays: block, blockindex, _BlockedUnitRange, BlockSlice, blockcolsupport
import BlockBandedMatrices: BlockTridiagonal, AbstractBlockBandedMatrix, blockbandwidths, subblockbandwidths, _BandedBlockBandedMatrix
import SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: divmul, HalfWeighted
import BlockBandedMatrices: BlockTridiagonal, AbstractBlockBandedMatrix, blockbandwidths, subblockbandwidths, _BandedBlockBandedMatrix, band
import SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials: HalfWeighted
import LazyArrays: LazyVector
import SingularIntegrals: Associated, associated, stieltjes
import LazyBandedMatrices: Tridiagonal, SymTridiagonal, BandedMatrix

export quarticjacobi, blocksymtricirculant, unroll, randspeccurve, speccurve, specgrid, speccurvemat, symroll, symunroll, spec2alg,
wedgep, wedgeq, wedger, wedgetransform, plan_wedgetransform, plan_squaretransform, gausswedge, JacobiWedge, LegendreSquare, gausssquare,
HermLaurent, ImHermLaurent, jointeigen, jointeigvals, BlockTridiagonal, LegendreCircle, UltrasphericalCircle, Block, SVector, CircleCoordinate,
UltrasphericalArc, LegendreCubic, ZernikeAnnulus, ComplexZernikeAnnulus, hermlaurent
UltrasphericalArc, LegendreCubic, hermlaurent, TwoBandWeight, TwoBandJacobi

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,10 +106,10 @@ include("wedge.jl")



end # module

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