This is a haskell stream processing engine for IoT. It is built as a cabal module, to build it:
$ cabal build
$ cabal install
Following this it can be imported in a standard way.
We model a stream as a (possibly infinite) list of events. Each event may or may not be timestamped:
data Event alpha = Event { eventId :: Int
, time :: Maybe Timestamp
, value :: Maybe alpha}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
type Timestamp = UTCTime
type Stream alpha = [Event alpha]
The Event can be defined without a value (a timedEvent
), and is used for time-based operations as will be described later.
Note that an Event can hold data of any type (e.g. integers, strings, tuples, lists, trees, graphs and even functions). An important principle is that separation between the view of the system seen by the user and the infrastructure: the details of the processing infrastructure are hidden allowing for multiple different implementations, and the addition of functionality to transparently support non-functional requirements. The functions that we provide for the user to process streams allow the user to only see a simple view of a stream as a list of type alpha: [alpha]
In the rest of the note we describe the stream operators that can be contained in a stream graph.
One approach to functional stream processing would be to define the stream datatype (so allowing interoperability) but then allow the user to define any functions require that consume and generate streams. We have taken a different approach - by analysis of the literature on stream and complex event processing, and by experimenting with the implementation of a range of applications, we have defined and implemented a library of key functions that an application developer can use to create applications. We believe that this will make it easier to create applications, and it also means that – as will be described – other parts of the infrastructure (including an optimiser) can take advantage of knowledge of the semantics and performance characteristics of these functions that would be difficult to derive automatically from arbitrary, user-defined, functions. There are 6 main tasks any stream processing system must perform:
- Filter (select only those events that match a criterion)
- Map (transform all events into another type of event)
- Window (break a stream of events into a stream of windows of events)
- Merge (combine streams of the same type)
- Join (combine streams of different types)
We now define a set of Haskell functions that implement these operators on the stream datatype defined in the previous section.
The streamFilter function takes a stream as input, and generates a stream containing only those events that meet a user-provided criteria. The type signature is:
streamFilter:: EventFilter alpha -> -- Function applied to each input
-- event to determine if it
-- meets the criteria
Stream alpha -> -- The input stream
Stream alpha -- The output stream
type EventFilter alpha = alpha -> Bool -- type of the filter function
This illustrates the fact that the user does not need to know or understand the exact format of the events as seen by the infrastructure: they only need provide a function of type EventFilter to filter out all events whose value does not meet a particular criterion. This user-provided function is applied by the infrastructure to each the value in each element of the stream, and only those that return “True” are selected.
To show how filterStream can be used, assume a temperature sensor generates a stream of events of type Int.
tempSensor:: Stream Int
If we are interested only in temperatures of over 100 then the user can define a function:
over100:: EventFilter Int
over100 temp = temp>100
and stream can be filtered:
streamFilter over100 tempSensor
Alternatively, the user may choose to use lambda notation to provide an unnamed function, and so the filter can also be written as:
streamFilter (\temp->temp>100) tempSensor
Sometimes, it is necessary to filter events based partly on past results. This can be done using the function streamFilterAcc whose signature is as follows:
streamFilterAcc:: (beta -> alpha -> beta) -> -- the accumulator fn:
--- takes accumulator &
--- head of stream
--- and computes
--- the new accumulator
beta -> -- initial accumulator value
(alpha -> beta -> Bool) -> -- the filter fn: takes head
--- of stream & accumulator
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream alpha -- output stream
An example of its use is where we only want to propagate an event if its value is different to the previous event (though the timestamp may differ). This can be written:
changes:: Eq alpha=> Stream alpha -> Stream alpha
changes s = streamFilterAcc (\_ h -> h)
(value $ head s)
(tail s)
Another example is a function that samples its input, only passing through one event in n:
sample:: Int -> Stream alpha -> Stream alpha
sample n s = streamFilterAcc (\acc h -> if acc==0 then n else acc-1)
(\h acc -> acc==0)
The function mapStream is used to transform the values in a stream. The user supplies a function of type EventMap which is applied to the value within each event in the input stream to generate the output stream. The function streamMap has the signature:
streamMap:: EventMap alpha beta -> -- the user-supplied map function
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream beta -- output stream
type EventMap alpha beta = alpha -> beta -- type of the
-- user-supplied map function
To illustrate this with the running example, let us say that after filtering all temperatures over 100, the user wants to use 100 as the baseline temperature, and represent all temperatures as their value over 100. To do this we can define a function:
amountOver100:: EventMap Int Int
amountOver100 temp = temp-100
and then include this in the application:
streamMap amountOver100 $ streamFilter over100 tempSensor
again, this can also be written using anonymous functions:
streamMap (\temp->temp-100) $ streamFilter (\temp->temp>100) tempSensor
Note that the user does not have to understand the format of events, nor how map or filter are enacted. Instead they can focus solely on how the data in the events is to be processed.
There is sometimes the need for a map function whose output depends on the history of events.
streamScan:: (beta -> alpha -> beta) -> -- the accumulator fn:
-- takes head of stream &
-- accumulator and computes
-- the new accumulator
beta -> -- initial accumulator value
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream beta -- output stream
An example is emitting an event giving a count of the number of events received so far in the stream:
counter:: Stream alpha -> Stream Int
counter s = streamScan (\c _ -> c+1) 0 s
Sometimes, it is necessary to generate multiple events from each input event. A function provided for this is:
streamExpand:: Stream [alpha] -> -- input stream
Stream alpha -- output stream
An example is a function that takes in a stream of Twitter tweets, and generates a stream of the hashtags found in those tweets. Assume a function getHashtags with signature:
getHashtags:: String -> [String]
If we apply this to a Stream of type String via streamMap
, the result will be of type Stream [String]
We could then expand that back to Stream String
using streamExpand
streamExpand $ streamMap getHashtags s
Windowing provides a way to break a stream into a stream whose elements contain subset of events from the original stream. Other functions can then be used to filter the events in each window. Experience shows that it is useful in many stream applications, and as a result, most CEP systems support a range of types of windowing. The basic windowing function is:
streamWindow:: WindowMaker alpha -> -- turns stream
-- into stream of
-- windows
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream [alpha] -- output stream
type WindowMaker alpha = Stream alpha -> [Stream alpha]
WindowMaker is a function that generates a list of windows.
A pre-defined set of functions covering the common WindowMaker cases is provided. However, users are free to define their own windowing functions if they require an alternative, specialist window creator. Examples of pre-defined functions are:
-- create sliding windows that are a fixed number of events in length
sliding:: Int -> WindowMaker alpha
-- create sliding windows that are a fixed time length
slidingTime:: NominalDiffTime -> WindowMaker alpha
-- create non-overlapping windows that are a fixed # of events in length
chop:: Int -> WindowMaker alpha
-- create non-overlapping windows that are a fixed time length
chopTime:: NominalDiffTime -> WindowMaker alpha
Building on this, we can then provide a function that combines windowing and aggregation:
streamWindowAggregate:: WindowMaker alpha -> -- turns stream
-- into stream of
-- windows
WindowAggregator alpha beta -> -- aggregates
-- window into
-- single value
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream beta -- output stream
type WindowAggregator alpha beta = [alpha] -> beta
WindowAggregator takes a list of the values contained in a window of events, and aggregates them into a single value. An implementation of streamWindowAggregate in Haskell is:
streamWindowAggregate fwm fwa s = streamMap fwa $ streamWindow fwm s
As an example, consider an extension to the running example in which we in each want to know how may times in each hour the sensor has measured a temperature over 100. This can be done using the function:
streamWindowAggregate (chopTime 3600) length
$ streamFilter over100 tempSensor
Here, length is the standard Haskell function that returns the length of a list.
Sometimes there is a need to merge multiple streams of the same type into one. This is done with the streamMerge function.
streamMerge:: [Stream alpha]-> Stream alpha
For example, if there are three temperature sensors then we can combine them as follows:
streamMerge [tempSensor1,tempSensor2,tempSensor3]
In the running example, the merged stream can then be used as input to one of the previously described stream processing functions, e.g.:
streamWindowAggregate (chopTime 3600) length
$ streamMerge over100
$ streamMerge [tempSensor1,tempSensor2,tempSensor3]
The join pattern is used to combine data from two streams that may be of different types. A basic join is provided, along with two others that build on it.
The basic stream join has the signature
streamJoin:: Stream alpha -> Stream beta -> Stream (alpha,beta)
This takes two streams as input and generates a stream where each event holds pair containing the payload of the events in each stream. The streams are combined in a pairwise manner.
Two higher level join functions are provided that operate on windows of events.
The first - streamJoinE – has the signature:
type JoinFilter alpha beta = alpha -> beta -> Bool
type JoinMap alpha beta gamma = alpha -> beta -> gamma
streamJoinE:: WindowMaker alpha -> -- create windows from stream 1
WindowMaker beta -> -- create windows from stream 2
JoinFilter alpha beta -> -- determines if this pair of
-- values meets join criteria
JoinMap alpha beta gamma -> -- combines the pair of values
-- into the output event
Stream alpha -> -- 1st input stream
Stream beta -> -- 2nd input stream
Stream gamma -- the output stream
The user provides a WindowMaker function for each of the two input streams. The Cartesian product of the values in the events in each window is then formed. The resulting pairs of values are then filtered using the user-defined JoinFilter function to determine if the pair of values meets the join criteria. A user-defined map function – JoinMap – is then applied to each conforming pair and the result appears on the output stream.
This can be implemented using the core stream processing functions:
streamJoinE fwm1 fwm2 fwj fwm s1 s2 = streamExpand $
streamMap (cartesianJoin fwj fwm) $
streamJoin (streamWindow fwm1 s1)
(streamWindow fwm2 s2)
For example, if our running example temperature sensors are upgraded to ones which give a wider range of data, including location and carbon dioxide:
data EnvSensor = EnvSensor {loc::Location,temp::Int,co2::Int}
And are joined by another set of sensors with traffic data:
data Traffic = Traffic {loc::Location,load::Int}
where load is a measure of the volume of traffic per second. Then, we may want to understand the correlation between load and CO2 levels every minute. As a first step we can combine data at all the locations where there are both types of sensor. We can do this using the following function (where envSensors is the merge of the data from all the environmental sensors, and trafficSensors is the merge of the data from all the traffic sensors):
streamJoinE (chopTime 60)
(chopTime 60)
(close 50)
(\(loc1,temp1,co2level)(loc2,ld) -> (loc1,temp1,ld,c02level))
Here close is a function that is true if the locations given by its second and third parameters are within a number of meters specified by its first parameter. Its signature is:
close:: Int -> Location -> Location -> Bool
We also provide another join function – streamJoinW - that does not perform a cartesian product of the events in the two windows that are being joined. Instead, it operates on whole windows, applying a user defined function to the two windows of data taken from the two input streams. It is defined as:
streamJoinW:: WindowMaker alpha -> -- create windows from stream 1
WindowMaker beta -> -- create windows from stream 2
([alpha]->[beta]->gamma) -> -- combines the two windows
-- into the output event
Stream alpha -> -- 1st input stream
Stream beta -> -- 2nd input stream
Stream gamma -- the output stream
This can be implemented using the core stream processing functions as:
streamJoinW fwm1 fwm2 fwj s1 s2 = streamMap (\(w1,w2)->fwj w1 w2) $
streamJoin (streamWindow fwm1 s1)
(streamWindow fwm2 s2)
If the programmer composes the functional stream operations introduced above then the stream graph is statically defined. However, as Haskell supports higher-order functions we can introduce some new functions that can be used to create sub-graphs either statically or dynamically.
Computer science thrives on recursion. However, a stream processing system composed of the functions described in the previous section doe not directly support recursion. We can provide it by adding a new function:
streamGraph :: (Stream alpha->Stream beta)-> -- stream graph
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream beta -- output stream
This can be implemented as:
streamGraph g s = streamMerge $ map (\e->g [e]) s
This function applies the stream processing graph defined by the first parameter (g) to each event in the input stream, and merges the resulting streams. An example which maps and filters each window created from a stream is:
streamGraph (\ss-> streamMap mf $ streamFilter ff ss)
$ streamWindow (sliding 10) s
As streamGraph can operate on finite length streams (as well as infinite streams), it is useful to define another function that reduces a finite list:
streamReduce::(beta -> alpha -> beta) -> -- the accumulator fn:
-- takes head of stream &
-- accumulator and computes
-- the new accumulator
beta -> -- initial accumulator value
Stream alpha -> -- input stream
Stream beta -- output stream
The output is a stream with one Event - the result of reducing the list using the first parameter.
This could be implemented as
streamReduce f acc s = streamMap (foldl f acc) $ streamWindow complete s
where "complete" is a WindowMaker that takes all elements of a finite stream that contain a value.
An example application is adding up the contents of a finite stream of integers:
sumEvents:: Stream Int -> Stream Int
sumEvents s = streamReduce (\acc a ->acc+a) 0 s